mystic_majestic Jan 15, 2012 19:08
funny!individual, pretty, funny!conversation, cute!awww, sexy!suits, bgm!awesome, awesomeness!individual, cute!interaction, heartwarming, dancing!romantic, cute!romantic movie, media: superhero film, friendship!duo, flight!human means, sexy!fetish, romance: movie, horror in-verse, funny!saying, battle!one to one, battle!one man army
mystic_majestic Nov 22, 2011 14:43
media: tv, dancing!romantic, funny!individual, pretty, romance: tv/drama, heartwarming!romantic
mystic_majestic Nov 08, 2011 09:24
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awesomeness!dancing, instrument playing, dancing!romantic, awesomeness!music, romance: everything else, media: official music video
mystic_majestic Oct 10, 2011 23:33
cute!family, family!unit, tearjerker!romance, funny!romantic, singing!musical, bgm!awesome, heartwarming!romantic, animal, funny!action, scenery, tearjerker!family, battle!silly, dancing!romantic, nightmare fuel, media: animated film, magic, disney, funny!interaction, children, scenery!romantic, horror in-verse, cute!romantic western animation, pretty!western animation, romance: western animation, heartwarming!family, awesomeness!battle, cute!animals and critters
mystic_majestic Aug 05, 2011 15:22
media: mv, heartwarming!romantic movie, dancing!romantic, friendship!group, heartwarming!friendship group, tearjerker!romance, romance: movie, supernatural, media: tv, media: movie, romance: tv/drama, star trek, tearjerker!friendship
mystic_majestic Jun 17, 2011 21:20
pretty!movie, media: mv, heartwarming!romantic movie, dancing!romantic, cute!romantic movie, sexy!romantic, romance: movie, media: romantic movie
mystic_majestic Jun 16, 2011 23:40
flight!supernatural means, dancing!romantic, animal!anthropomoprhism, media: western animation mv, media: animated film, magic, disney, scenery!romantic, cute!romantic western animation, pretty!western animation, romance: western animation, heartwarming!romantic
mystic_majestic Jun 16, 2011 23:15
heartwarming, dancing!romantic, media: western animation mv, media: animated film, magic, disney, scenery!romantic, pretty!western animation, cute!awww, romance: western animation, animal
mystic_majestic Jun 10, 2011 22:38
pretty!movie, media: mv, heartwarming!romantic movie, dancing!romantic, cute!romantic movie, sexy!romantic, children, romance: movie, funny!romantic, scenery!romantic, funny!face, media: romantic movie
mystic_majestic May 20, 2011 22:55
dancing!romantic, media: western animation mv, media: animated film, disney, sexy, scenery!romantic, cute!romantic western animation, romance: western animation, animal