
Aug 28, 2009 16:17

Title: Whoops
Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Characters/Pairings: Frankie Osbourne, Dawn Summers, Buffy Summers, Dawn/Frankie
Summary: Dawn breaks some news to her boyfriend.
Ratings: PG-13 for language
Disclaimers/Author's Notes: This whole story is blinding_echos's fault. Seriously, she should have never ever given me this plot bunny. Buffy and Dawn and Sunnydale belong to the God that is Joss Whedon. Frankie belongs to me. AU. Obviously. Sunnydale not destroyed. One year post Chosen.

He sat on their bed in his apartment, staring dumbly up at his girlfriend. "You're sure?"

Dawn nodded. "Pretty damn sure. The evidence is undeniable."

Frankie scrubbed his hand across his face. He hadn't seen Dawn for the past three days, and he'd been worried that he'd done something wrong. When she walked into the apartment with that 'We need to talk' look, this was not what he was expecting. "But how could this happen? We've always been so careful!"

"Well, remember last month at the one year anniversary of the battle of Sunnydale? The one where we got really drunk?" He nodded, and she looked a bit sheepish. "Well, it happened then. Had to. Not that I remember much of that night."

Frankie didn't either. He should have known better. He knew he had a harder time with restraint when he was drunk. And if he was that drunk... "On a scale of one to ten, how pissed off is your sister?"

Dawn smirked. "15. I had to talk her out of the Silver stakes. She's bringing a regular stake, and should be here in the next five minutes. She's not gonna kill you, but you'll be out of commission for a few days."

"I should get out of town for a few days, shouldn't I?"

"I would suggest a few weeks. But," She pointed at his chest, "be back before the next full moon. If I'm gonna go wolfy, I want you there."

"Oh, don't worry about that," he said, with a quick kiss before running to the closet and grabbing a few things to throw in a bag, "I have it on good authority that werewolf sex is really hot."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Just get out of here before Buffy shows up. I gotta go so she doesn't think I warned you." She kissed him back. "Remember, next full moon!"

dawn summers, buffy summers, fic: complete, btvs, au, frankie osbourne

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