What were we thinking?

Sep 19, 2009 21:53

Title: What were we thinking?
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Master/Rose/Ten, Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Lacey, Devon Harkness-Hart, John Hart/Gray Harkness, Tessa, Meredith Harkness
Summary: After one too many drinks, Owen and Lacey's big secret becomes not so secret.
Author's Note: I'm not explaining the kidverse again. I'm going to be putting up a masterlist of mine and blinding_echos fics. I do not own Doctor Who or Torchwood. Lacey is mine. binding_echos's got Tessa. Meredith and Devon belong to my dear friend Tash, and Tavish, though he doesn't actually appear in the fic, belongs to my dear friend Cathy. Most of the lines were taken from a random RP we did the other night.

She groaned, the first bit of the slight hangover from the night before of drinking hitting her with the morning shining through his windows. “You need curtains, love. You’re not dead anymore.” She told the man with a pained smile. “Though after last night….” She groaned again. “God, what were we thinking?”

He just groaned and shook his head. “I don’t wanna go to work today.” He muttered. “We are so dead. We are never drinking at Torchwood gathering…again.”


It was another Torchwood family pool party. Lacey was pretty sure this was just for the hell of it, though her dad insisted it was a Team building function. Whatever, she thought, continuing to mix some drinks for the party. Owen snuck by her, grabbing a drink with a wink. “Thanks, Lace.” He said, as she rolled her eyes at him with a playful smile. She watched the rest of her family as she took her drink and sat down on a lounge chair next to him and Tessa.

Tessa was playing a DS, probably Owen’s since he seemed to be looking for it. Meredith was sitting close by, with Devon, talking about something, while Devon cracked up. The Master, Rose and the Doctor were in the pool being sickeningly flirty. Her Uncle Gray and uncle John were snuggling one very small lounge chair. She shook her head. “opposites attract, I guess.” Still, she loved them both. She loved her whole family. Her Dad and Tad were working the BBQ, all the while flirting, and stealing kisses. She couldn’t wait til they would actually just get married and be done with it. Tavish was out with his boyfriend and wouldn’t be around until much later.

Gwen and Rhys were just showing up at that moment. “Virgin Margaritas are on the right, Gwen!” she called from her seat.

“Thanks, Lacey, dear.” Gwen walked over, grabbed from the right while Rhys took one from the left, and they went straight for the food. Lacey shook her head.

A huff from Tessa grabbed her attention. “What is it Tessie bear?”

“This game,” she said, rolling her eyes at the stupid nickname, “Ugh, it would not be this bad if I was playing Littlest Pet Shop.”

Lacey snickered, looking over her shoulder. “Ok Pokemon Pearl. This is the water gym. Here,” She took the game, and did a quick search of her pokemon team, “Well, there’s your problem. Too much rock and ground, not enough electric and plant. Rock and ground are weak against water. Electric and Plant are strong against them.” She handed the game back to her sister. “I’d go to the pokemon center and switch them out.”

Tessa stared at her sister. “You’re a dork,” she said with a sigh, shutting the game off, “I give up. This game cheats.”

Owen laughed at her. “Only kid around who sucks at video games.” He was rewarded with a playful shove from Lacey. “Oh, ow, I’m hurt.” He rolled his eyes at her with a smirk.

“I’m the only one alone to pick on my siblings.” She said with a nod. She turned back to Tessa. “Don’t worry, I have the guide in my room. You can start a new game from that. “

“…Video games?” Meredith piped up, sounding confused.

Lacey turned to look at her other sister. “You’ve never played video games before?”

Tessa explained as games on little computers that cheat, which caused Lacey to laugh. “Here,” she said, walking over to the other girls, and handing Mere the DS. “Knock yourself out.” She sighed as the older girl stared at the device with a blank expression. “Here, I’ll show you.”

Devon moved to take Tessa’s place next to Lacey. “What are you doing, cousin?”

“Thinking about jumping into the pool and driving The Doctor and Master bonkers By Bonzaing them with a cannonball.” She turned back at her sisters, giggling over the game. “You know, I bet you She figures it out and beats the bloody thing in a day, what do you say, Owen?”

Owen shrugged. “I’d say it’s a sucker’s bet.”

“All the more reason for you to take it.”

“What so you can take me to the cleaners…again?” he smirked. “What would I have to do this time?”

“Loser has to muck out the cells for the Winner for a week.” She grinned.

“Oh, and here I thought it was going to be a fun bet,” he rolled his eyes. “Ok, whatever, you’re on.”

They didn’t notice Jack looking at both of them, then down at his drink. “Ianto, did you spike my drink?”

Ianto shook his head, also looking at the young medic and his eldest daughter. “No, no I don’t your drink is spiked. Unless we’re both hallucinating the fact that Owen and Lacey are flirting?”

“Don’t say that, it makes it real.”

Ianto just nodded.

“Okay, too pedestrian? I was going to say that the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted for a day, but I didn’t think you’d look good in a Sailor Fuku.”

“Oi! I’ll look good in anything.” He sounded indignant about the thought he wouldn’t look good in something.

Devon looked at him like she was seriously considering it. “It would have to be Sailor Mars. Red would look rather fetching on him.”

Lacey shook her head at them both. “Fine, she beats in less than a day, you have to do what I want for a day.”

“Cocky one are you?” He said with a playfully shove. “All right you are so on.”

She shoved him back, with a grin, “I’m a Harkness, I was born Cocky.”

“Excuses, excuses.” He laughed as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Devon shook her head at her cousin, slightly disturbed to see her flirting with Owen, a man she’d called Uncle where she came from. She rolled her eyes ad Gray and John ran into the house. Obvious it was time for shagging for them. “At least you haven’t seen my mam in a dress. I have. When I was kid they took me trick or treating. He went as Neptune.”

“Laugh it up, Mars, you’ll know what it’s like soon enough.” Lacey said as he laughed.

Owen shook his head. “I’m beginning to think you just want to see me in a dress, admit it.”

Lacey shook her head. “Never. I will never admit that…well, maybe. But I need a lot more booze. Oh, thanks!” She said to Devon as her cousin slipped another drink into her hand.

“You’re chicken shit, that’s what you are.”

“I am not! Fine, you want me to say it, I will.” She downed her drink in one swallow. “I want to see you,” she pointed at Owen, “in a dress.”

The doctor, Rose and Master stopped at her little exclamation. He turned towards the Master. “Is it me or are they flirting?”

The Master looked at the two as Owen leaned back on his lounge chair, looking smug that he’d gotten that admission out of her. “Nope, not just you, they’re about to start shagging right there on the ground, I’d imagine.”

“You have some weird kinks, Lace, ok so are we talking full on slapper, or some kind of bodice Type get up?”

“What about both?”

“At the same time?”

“No, I’m thinking fashion show.”

“I just signed up to be your own personal barbie doll, didn’t I?”

“Is anyone else disturbed hy their flirting?” Tessa asked, looking up. “Lacey, that’s Owen you’re flirting with!”

“I’m not flirting,” She called over to her sister. “And yes, you did, Owen. My own personal fashion doll.” She leered at him over her empty glass.

“Been worse to far weirder and annoying people.” He said, with a shake of his head.

Lacey gave him a cute little adorable smile. “You love me.”

He gave her a little shake of the head, but smiled.

“Now who’s chicken shit?”

“You know, Unka Owen, you’d make a really great Barbie doll with the right eyeshadow and heels.”

“Ohhh!!” Lacey bounced in her seat. “I have the perfect boots for you to wear.”

“Really? Well, I do have good legs.” He gave the girl a look that said, are you sure you want to go there?

Jack looked at the three in the pool. “Tell me I’m not the only one seeing this.” A chorus of no’s came from the pool. “I was afraid of that.”

Lacey was nodding. “Yep, and great ass, Max and I both agreed on that.”

Owen looked over at her. “Really? Max thought I have a nice ass?” He beamed when she nodded. “Well, that’s cause I do.”

“Yep, very nice ass and legs. You’re actually pretty damn hot, you know that, right, Harper?”

Jack put his head in his hand. “Oh god”

“Lacey! Dude you are so drunk! That’s Harper! Owen Harper! And you’re flirting with him?!” she sounded about an inch away from dragging her sister away and dunking her in a cold shower.

Lacey just turned back to her sister. “Oi! I told you, I’m not flirting. Well, ok, maybe a little. And I’m not drunk. I can still form complete sentences and I’m nowhere near a pole.”

“Thank god for small favors.” No fewer than half a dozen people muttered.

Tessa rolled her eyes. “Fine, you’re only tipsy, but you are flirting. You might as well be sitting in his lap playing with a piece of hair while batting at your eyes at him.”

Devon was laughing. “Yeah, great imagery, kid, but you forgot the gum popping and seductive lip licking.”

“Oh right, how could I forget?” She grinned back at her cousin.

“Oi, you two! I do not bat my eyes. Ever. It’s way too subtle for me..” She rolled her eyes for the fiftieth times.

“They are a second away from snogging brains out aren’t they?” Rose asked.

Gwen nodded. “Yes, I do believe they are. About time.”

“I think you’re really cute when you bat your eyes.” Owen said with a shrug.

“Well,” she batted her eyes and looked away shyly, “when you put it that way.”

Jack looked at his daughter and Owen like they’d shed their skin and admitted to being Slitheen. That would actually be less weird than what was happening, he decided. “Ok, what the bloody hell is going on with you two?!”

“See, cute.” He said, before turning to Jack, “what are you talking about, Jack?”

Rhys shrugged at the flabbergasted man. “At least they are not throwing those damned stuffed animals around like always.”

“But that’s normal! This isn’t normal!” Jack pointed out, rather obviously.

“Normal is boring,” Lacey said with a shrug. “Besides, at least we aren’t snogging. Although…” She bit her lip. “It’d be nice.”

“I can change that.” Owen muttered, almost to himself.

Devon shook her head. “No, Lace, don’t snog Unka Owen.”

Lacey turned to him. “Wha was tha?” Did he actually say that? He did know they were in front of all their friends.

“Do not adjust your television set…you have entered the Twilight zone.” The Doctor said as both Meredith and Rose started humming the theme song.

“Seriously, Owen,” Lacey said, standing up from her lounger to stand in front of Owen, only slightly off balance. “What the hell did you say?”

Jack shook his head. “I’m dreaming, this is a nightmare. I’m not hearing this.” Ianto just shook his head, patting his lover on the back.

“I said,” Owen said, standing up next to her, “I can change that.” He smirked at her. “You’re gonna hate me in the morning.”

“I’ll deal with that then.” She said as he leaned down and planted one on her lips. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself into him, nipping at his bottom lip gain interest, feeling him tighten his own grip as the kiss deepened and the world fell away to just the two of them. They didn’t hear Jack’s shock, or the Doctor’s or Gwen and Rhys awing at them while her cousin and sister made grossed out noises. They’d probably live to regret this in the morning as they would never be able to get away pretending that they weren’t madly into each other.


She groaned again. “What the hell possessed us to snog like that in front of Dad?! And the Doctor.” She buried her head in his shoulder. “The cat is out of the bleeding bag.”

“Damn cat,” he agreed, stroking her hair. “He’s gonna kill me, isn’t he?”

“More than likely both of us.” She paused, looking up at him. “Was worth it though.”

“That was one hell of a kiss, love,” he said, planting a tender one on her forehead. The phone ringing broke the moment. Owen looked over at the caller ID. “Oh bloody hell, it’s Jack.”

“We’re dead.”

original characters, lacey harkness, ianto jones, rp backstory, torchwood, doctor who, jack harkness, gwen cooper, john hart, owen harper, kid verse, mickey/jake, devon harkness-hart, fic: complete, tessa dawson, rose tyler, gray/john, meredith harkness, ten, au, lacey/owen, au kidverse, gwen/rhys, gray harkness, jack/ianto, ten/master, the master, rhys williams

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