Welcome to Chudda Alpha Entry (2)

Apr 17, 2013 18:24

Welcome back to Chudda! Everyone remembers Roland and Marisa Hunter right? Good.
So back in the alpha hood, I decided these two needed a "date." It can't be a real date since my NL discs are scratched or something and won't install on my laptop. *sad face*
Since it was Winter and the first annual Llama Day, Ice-skating down at the local roller rink seemed appropriate.
What's Llama Day? Well I decided my hoods needed some special occasions and created Llama day, Day of Splines, A Day of Cheese, and Shoo Flee!. Llama Day is a day dedicated to spending time with family since I set it in Winter.

I love the animation for couple skating. And these two make it even cuter. I also had these two give each other a gift. Marisa gave Roland a golden trout and Roland gave Marisa a vase that he dug up in their yard.

Back on the home lot, Joe Carr is over visiting. And he's spending his time insulting little Catherine's musical ability.
"She's the worst musician in the world!"
Dude she's 3.

Little Catherine Hunter Alpha spends a lot of time with her family. Of course neither of her parents work so they have plenty of time to bond.
Oh yes, I also decided at some point that Roland and Marisa needed matching outerwear....no idea why I did that. Just felt like it I guess.

She seems to be quite creative since she spent almost every waking moment she wasn't with one of her parents, singing nursery rhymes, drawing, and playing with the xylophone. For those who don't remember Catherine here is a Capricorn. She's mean (0 Nice points), Outgoing, Sloppy, Active, and Somewhat Serious.

Yep Rolisa are still as stalkery as ever.

Marisa Alpha continues to amaze me by being an excellent mom. She even rolled wants to help Cat learn to walk.
Of course I just love how generally close knit the Alpha line of the Hunter family is in general.

It has been such a long time since I had a sim toddler that played in the snow. I'd almost forgotten what a cute interaction.
I want to say Cat alpha looks a lot like her mom.

"Marisa I don't think you can see any birds at night."
"I'm not looking for birds Roland. I'm trying to catch the person that's been kicking over our trash can."

Yep the trash can at the Hunter house has been getting kicked over for the last few nights. No idea who's doing it, but it's getting annoying. Luckily, we haven't gotten any roaches yet, but I really need to find the culprit.

"An evil snowman in the yard? Now who made this?"

Hmm perhaps your 0 nice point daughter. It turns out that Cat's one true hobby is sports. She loves to play catch now.

I'm not so sure how the rest of her family feels about this.

And like every other Hunter living here at Parallel estate, Cat loves to fish. Actually she's the best at catching fish in the whole house. She's made the family so much money/kept the fridge stocked.

There isn't an afternoon where you won't find Cat and Roland on the shore of their pond.

It was during one of these bonding sessions that Roland became the first to maximize enthusiasm in his predestined hobby.

Cat is a daddy's girl. I mean sure she spends time with her mom, but 9 times out of 10 if she's interacting with a family member it's Roland.

There are times when young Cat really has no interest in spending time with her mom. She'd much rather be drawing. Or catching bugs, or fishing.
Geez Marisa lived in her coat. She must be very cold natured.

But sometimes I think Cat just felt the need to break away from her mom from time to time and do things on her own. Be her own person. She still loved Marisa deep down.

And with so many outgoing and social sims on the lot visitors of all kinds continued to be the norm. Seriously if there isn't at least one visitor on the lot each day it feels really weird. Which I like. It keeps things interesting.

Catherine proved to take after her father and seemed to enjoy bringing home someone new every day from school. Marsha though was the most common visitor.

Cat thinking: "Ugh sometimes I wish I lived in a house with doors."
Poor Cat gets to be publicly embarrassed for life by her very affectionate parents.

Cat: "Mr. Carr stop stealing our newspapers and kicking over our trash can or there's gonna be trouble. Kapeesh."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Don't play coy. I know what I saw."

(Yes, it's really Joe Carr that's been kicking over the Hunter's trash and stealing their paper everyday. Catherine here was the reason I finally caught him in the act.)

And time flies quickly by and soon it was time for our young heiress to become a teen. Oh look I finally bought an actual cake!

Catherine Hunter (Alpha) rolled Family/Knowledge as her aspirations. Her LTW is to have 6 Grandkids.
For some strange reason despite her lack of neat points, Cat here decided to spend most of her teenage life learning how to clean stuff. So odd especially since she won't actually clean anything.....

Cat still enjoys collecting bugs and catching fish with the family. She's not such a huge fan of being chased by the bees, but that's only happened once so I guess she's doing pretty well for herself. Too bad I didn't catch a pic of her being chased...she was making some great faces. But I was too busy laughing at her plight to hit the c button. Bad me. Oh well.

Cat brought home Alivin Futa from school and the two quickly hit it off. She snagged her first kiss from him, and her want panel has been full of Alvin faces ever since. Awww....these two are a natural 3 bolt couple.

"Joe Carr thinks he can steal our garden gnome? Oh he's going to pay dearly for that."
And sometimes I am reminded that my heiress has 0 nice points.

Cat didn't get up to much during her teen years....well besides maxing out her cleaning skill, catching bugs and fish, making out with Alivin and oh yeah maximizing the Nature hobby.

Roland aged up into a very dignified elder. He's also perma-plat and has 25 best friends. I have the want locked for him to get to 30...shouldn't take him too much longer. Go him! And go me. I've never actually gotten a sim to have this many friends before.

Oh gosh these two are adorable! Well I officially know who Cat Alpha is gonna marry. She's marrying Alvin.

And we end the update since Catherine is now an adult! Hopefully we'll have a few more kids in generation 3 since this young lady rolled family. Now it's time to skip off to the other neighborhood and grow up the other Cat and see what parallels and what changes occur. Comments are always welcome either here or over at boolprop! See you soon.

parallel universe, hunter family, legacy challenge, sims 2, chudda, boolprop

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