Welcome to Chudda! Entry Alpha 1

Apr 13, 2013 20:37

Welcome to Chudda Alpha home of version one of my newest legacy founder! This is Roland Hunter. (Or at least the alpha version of him) Roland here is a Gemini. Now this version of Roland rolled Popularity/Family as his aspirations in life. He also wants to have 20 best friends and his predestined hobby is Nature. Well good for him! So let's see what's been happening in Chudda Alpha recently shall we?

So since Roland Alpha didn't have a LTW that required a job, I decided to do something I hadn't done before. Live off the land. Yep the Hunters in Chudda Alpha won't have an actual house. They'll sleep under the stars, go fishing, hunt for bugs, eat off the grill, dig for treasure, paint pictures etc etc in order to survive. it's actually proved to be extremely fun/a really nice change of pace.

So since Roland boy here needs money and friends he spends a lot of his early days fishing down at the local pond. I admit I've played ahead a bit and eventually he gets a pond of his own, but for the early days he just meandered on down to the local hot spot.

Back on the home lot which I've named Parallel Estate Roland makes friends with a good old fashioned water balloon fight. What could be better? What with all those outgoing points, Roland has no trouble meeting people around the hood.

He FINALLY sets his sights on Marisa...or at least she's the only person he'd met after a week that he had any chemistry with. 1 bolt between these two, but I'll take it. So I have him move in just so I can get this show on the road. I mean watching a sim sit around his house digging for treasure, bird watching, and talking on the phone gets a little bit old after 7 days.

These two move FAST though. I didn't have ACR in at the time that these two got together, but they got together quickly. I mean for only having one bolt (I say that's a lie) these two stalk each other like crazy!

A little night in the tent and generation two is on its way.

Seriously one bolt my fanny. These two are stuck to each other like glue. It's so sweet. I love them together.

Roland here continues to wrack up his friend count while digging up treasures so we can pay the bills/expand the camp-site.

Marisa who finally popped into pregnancy even manages to make a friend. I decided to make her Popularity as her secondary so that she and Roland would have 2 bolts. But Marisa isn't very social.....unless you count all the time she spends with her husband.

Marisa and Roland are both complete slobs so they enjoy doing this a lot much to the disgust of their friends and neighbors.

See they even swoon over each other and dig for treasure together. I realize this update is just a lot of pic spam of these two stalking, but really not much happened in Alpha hood except that if I'm being honest...

At least until baby Catherine Hunter joined the household. Roland's a very good dad, but that doesn't surprise me he's a pop sim. My pop sims always make great parents.

I don't know how, but Roland Alpha gets around town pretty well. He's always hailing people that walk by his house and inviting them. Marisa only rarely speaks to any of them. But her husband manages to not only talk to his droves of friends, but still dotes on his wife like nobody I've ever seen. He's awesome. *fingers crossed Roland Prime is just as cool*

For a Fortune sim this Marisa's actually a pretty good mom. Usually my Fortune sims are pretty poor parents. I think having the pop secondary must be helping her out.

Okay seriously you two are quickly becoming one of my all time favorite legacy couples. Not sure you two can beat Toren and Tristen or Kalina and Derek, but you two are certainly up there.

I decided to give Marisa a slight make-over. Just changed her hairstyle. I think this one suits her better. And as you can see little Catherine aged up. Let's end the update with a little closer look at our heiress? (Yeah these two don't seem interested in having any more kids and I'm not gonna make them)

Aww she's a cutie. Well sort of. Catherine Hunter (Alpha) is a Gemini like her dear old dad. But she's mean as a snake. (0 Nice points) yeah not a single one to her name. She's also pretty serious, sloppy (no surprise there), pretty active and outgoing. Nice personality combo there Cat! Join me soon to see what happens in Chudda Prime.

sims 2, roland hunter, chudda, mystery parallel universe, boolprop, legacy

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