Some Kind Of Verb, Some Kind Of Moving Thing

Feb 09, 2007 12:09

~*~ Woke up with Total Eclipse Of The Heart playing in my head. =\

~*~ I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. It took a monumental amount of effort to wake up for some reason.

~*~ I can't put my finger on what it is that I'm feeling recently. It's almost like anxiety, but not quite. It's as if I'm standing on the edge of a very narrow ledge, looking down into miles of empty space. I'm on the verge of something, and soon it will be time for me to jump. The landing will either kill me, or I'll land on my feet surrounded by dancing poodles.

~*~ Miss Heidi, can you (at some point) give me a short list of hotels/motels which are in a good location for when we come up for The Decemberists? I don't know Denver at all, so I have no idea where anything is in relation to the Fillmore. I bought tickets!!!! I’m so freaking ecstatic there are no words.

~*~ I have spent the better part of 45 minutes on the phone with Qwest, trying to find out why we can no longer call France from Line 2. We can call France from Line 1 just fine. Srsly, I don’t even need to call effing France, but Boss Dude has a friend over there, so this is now my Priority Project. ZOMFG MUST CALL FRANCE.

Explaining the calling France problem to Qwest technicians is like trying to explain to Spazz why he can't go outside in the middle of a blizzard. There is a fundamental breakdown in communication that happens, and I'm quite sure it's not an issue on my end of the stick.

Qwest is now going to call me back. They have no clue, and I stopped caring thirty-five minutes ago.

~*~ Boss Dude just brought me a salad from Dion's. Mmmmmmmm. I told him Qwest was going to call back. He's not at all happy that he still can't call France on Line 2. I told him to use Line 1. He gave me the squinty eye and I suspect he wants to take my salad away.

~*~ Tonight, I'm going to buy a bottle of Ice Wine. And quite possibly, some Arrogant Bastard Ale. Drunken posts will ensue, I'm quite sure of it. lol

Happy Friday, Monkeys.



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