Most Important

May 28, 2012 17:58

Title: Most Important
Author: mystery
Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol
Rating: PG(-13)
Genre: Fluff/romance
Disclaimer: Really now. I think you’d know.
Warning(s): None (possibly brief mentions of sex)
Summary: In which Chanyeol is asexual.
Author’s Note: Basically wanted to write a oneshot on what it might be like and Baekyeol was the couple of choice ^__^
Fanfiction Masterlist


Chanyeol and Baekhyun were often teased for being a ”perfect couple”. While Chanyeol was admittedly a bit weird, Baekhyun didn’t seem to find it off-putting or creepy. He seemed to find it rather funny.

But even if he played along with the jokes, even if he laughed and smile about it, Chanyeol was scared. He was so, so scared of the first time Baekhyun would want to involve in any kind of sexual activity. It wasn’t that he was worried the other wouldn’t be careful, or that he’d rush things, no. Chanyeol knew Baekhyun would be extremely gentle and go as slowly as he could bring himself to.

Chanyeol was more scared of himself, of the secret he’d carried for years now. Chanyeol had figured when he was about sixteen years old, after years of research and lots of thinking, that he was asexual. He was scared what Baekhyun would think of it. He was so very scared that Baekhyun might break up with him.

“You’re spacing out again,” someone said as they slapped him lightly over the back of his head. “You’re totally creepy when you do that, even creepier than when you smile.”

Chanyeol looked up at Sehun and grinned at him. Then he gave a shrug and diverted his gaze to his coffee. He didn’t particularly like coffee, it was rather disgusting, but it helped wake him up and it was extremely difficult to find any other type of ‘morning drink’ in the dorms, so he drank it anyway.

“What were you thinking about anyway?” Baekhyun asked as he lifted one of Chanyeol’s arms and moved it into another position so he could place himself in the younger’s lap. Chanyeol smiled and immediately wrapped both arms around Baekhyun’s waist and buried his nose in his neck, inhaling his scent.

“You,” he murmured, “us.”

“Oh?” Baekhyun leaned back in Chanyeol’s embrace, closing his eyes and sighing contently to himself. “Care to share?”

Chanyeol stiffened and his heartbeat picked up its pace. No, he thought. He was not ready. Not now, not here. Not in front of everyone as they slowly trickled into the kitchen, rubbing sleep from their eyes and mechanically pouring coffee into the cups Chanyeol had set on the counter.

“Maybe later,” he answered and Baekhyun seemed satisfied with that.


Chanyeol was beyond exhausted when they came home after schedules that day and dropped onto his bed with a groan, not even bothering to take his shoes off. Baekhyun laughed at Chanyeol’s antics and toed his own shoes off before he clambered onto the bed beside the taller, pulling his socks off in the process.

“What did you think of this morning? Want to tell me now?” he murmured softly. Chanyeol turned his head to meet Baekhyun’s eyes. As he looked into those trustworthy, brown eyes, he got a sudden urge to spill everything. So he did.

“I… I’m asexual, Baekhyun,” he mumbled cautiously. Baekhyun’s brows knitted in confusion. Chanyeol was not surprised.

“What is that?” he asked. Chanyeol sighed lightly and closed his eyes.

“Basically it’s when you don’t feel any sexual attraction at all,” he answered, opening his eyes again to see Baekhyun’s reaction. He still looked as confused.

“But you’re attracted to me,” he protested and Chanyeol grinned despite himself.

“Romantically, yes. I don’t want to have sex with you, and that is not because there’s something wrong with you - you are beautiful and sexy, Byun Baekhyun. I am the one who cannot properly appreciate that,” he attempted to explain as he sat up, looking down at his boyfriend as he tenderly stroked Baekhyun’s bangs away from his eyes. Baekhyun thought for another few moments before his eyes lit up in comprehension.

“Oh. I think I understand now,” he said, sitting up as well. “And that’s okay, as long as you don’t start denying me kisses or cuddles.”

“I won’t,” Chanyeol promised with a relieved laugh and leaned in to place a quick peck on Baekhyun’s lips. “And you can tell me if you fell frustrated. We’ll see if there’s anything I can do about that then.”

Baekhyun giggled and nodded, leaning in for another kiss. It was tender and loving, just the way Chanyeol liked it and he sighed into the kiss before he pulled away to breathe.

“I love you,” he whispered as he gazed into Baekhyun’s eyes. The elder’s gaze was so loving that Chanyeol almost felt like crying.

“I love you too, Chanyeol, whether asexual or not,” Baekhyun murmured. Chanyeol couldn’t help the stupid grin that stretched across his face, even if he knew it made him look creepy.

Chanyeol doesn’t want to have sex and even if Baekhyun might want to in the future, everything will be just fine because they love each other and love is, after all, more important than sex.

rating: pg, fandom: exo, fanfiction: drabble, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, genre: fluff, genre: romance

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