One Step At The Time

May 28, 2012 17:45

Title: One Step At The Time
Author: mystery
Pairing: Xiumin/Lay (Minseok/Yixing)
Rating: G
Genre: Drabble (671w), fluff
Disclaimer: Really now. I think you’d know.
Warning(s): None
Summary: In which Yixing kind of teaches Minseok Chinese.
Author’s Note: Wrote this for a friend. While they're adorable, I probably won't write much of this pairing, as I feel kind of unfamiliar with them. Enjoy!
Fanfiction Masterlist


”Minseok-ah, how about we practice some Chinese later?” Yixing suggested during dinner. Yixing’s Korean wasn’t the best, but it was enough to teach Minseok Mandarin, especially as they had several lexicons and the internet to their aid.

Minseok’s face shone up at Yixing’s words and he nodded. It was no secret that the two fancied each other, but they still hadn’t done anything about it, which was one of the biggest sources of confusion in the EXO dorms.

“Sure! We can continue on what you taught me about last time,” he beamed, his Korean a little too rapid for Yixing’s liking. At the sight of his confused face, Yifan kindly translated what Minseok had said for him. Yixing smiled and gave a quick nod before he went back to his food.

After dinner, Yixing helped Zitao wash the dishes, as he knew how much the maknae hated it. Zitao gave him an odd look when he offered to do the dishes and told Zitao he could dry them if he wanted but, predictably, he didn’t protest.

“Ge, why are you and Xiumin-ge like this?” he asked softly when they’d done about half the dishes. Yixing looked up with a confuse hum.

“Like what?” he inquired and Zitao gave him a small smile.

“You know you like each other, right?” he said, just as softly. Yixing chuckled and reached him another plate for him to dry.

“Yes. But for the moment, we’re satisfied like this.”

Zitao hummed and nodded, seemingly understanding what Yixing meant. However Yixing doubted that Zitao understood how they felt. After all, Zitao was only nineteen, and he’d never dated before. He was so pure, Yixing thought. He hoped it’d remain that way.

“If there’s anything you’d like to know or if there’s an opinion you’re burning to state… Just tell me, okay? I won’t mind,” Yixing spoke up as he handed Zitao yet another wet, freshly cleaned plate.

“No, I think I understand. I just want you to be happy,” Zitao answered with a small, shy smile. Yixing grinned to himself, thinking that it was no wonder their leader was so fond of Zitao.

“I’m thankful.”

They finished up the rest of the dishes in peaceful silence, only interrupted by absent-minded humming every now and then. Yixing went into the living room when they were done, finding Minseok, Jongdae and Luhan cuddled up on the couch, watching some Korean drama.

“Minseok-ah, are you ready?” he asked, smiling to himself as Minseok startled before he looked up, offering Yixing a brilliant smile. He nodded and hopped up from the couch, following Yixing to his shared room with Luhan.

They picked up where they’d left off last time, going through different kinds of foods, tastes and how to order things at a restaurant. They both laughed a little when they played out a dialogue in which Minseok pretended to order steamed buns and Yixing couldn’t help but politely, as if he really was a waiter, ask whether Minseok was a cannibal.

When they calmed down, Yixing couldn’t help himself as he observed Minseok’s face. The smile was lingering on his lips, a lot toned down from his previous laughing fit, but enough to make his eyes crinkle slightly around the edges. His gaze was warm as he met Yixing’s and the younger looked away, heat rising to his cheeks. Minseok’s own cheeks were reddened as well and his lips were glistening in the rather dim light of Luhan’s and Yixing’s bedroom.

Without thinking, Yixing leaned forward until he could press his lips to Minseok’s in a soft, chaste peck. Minseok blinked when he pulled away, eyes wide, but then he smiled. It was a brilliant smile, Yixing thought, almost as bright as the sun.

“I’m ready if you are,” Minseok whispered in his accented Mandarin and Yixing laughed silently. He clasped Minseok’s hand in a firm grip and nodded his head.

It was all confirmation Minseok needed as he leaned forward to place another chaste kiss on Yixing’s lips.

fandom: exo, fanfiction: drabble, genre: fluff, pairing: xiumin/lay, rating: g

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