Tell Them

Mar 11, 2012 20:23

Title: Tell Them
Author: mystery
Pairing: P.O / Mino, not-so-ninja!ZiKyung
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, smut, humor
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): OOC-ness.
Summary: [no summary]
Author’s Note: For those who don't know, Mino was in the original line-up of Block B. He debuted with B.o.M as Tagoon later in 2011. I just had this urge to write a Mino/P.O-fic, so I did.
I also did a lot of thinking on what their pairing name would be, but I'm not sure... Min.O?
Fanfiction Masterlist


Jihoon had gone through a lot of teasing when his hyungs first found out he had a partner, especially as he refused to mention their name, or even speak about them as ”she”.

That, of course, was because it wasn’t a she. It was a he, but Jihoon didn’t think his hyungs needed to know that. What would they think of him, if they knew their maknae was gay?

The teasing stopped after a few months when they realized the maknae would not give in and was not spoken of until a year later, when Kyung and Jiho came out as a couple.

“Hyungs!” he called once the catcalling and laughter and shouts of congratulations died down. Everyone turned to him, Kyung and Jiho trying to hide their worried expressions and failing miserably.

“You… You don’t have anything against it, right?” Jiho murmured. Kyung straightened up, seemingly trying to protect his boyfriend from any and all possible harm by taking the blows himself.

“If you do, you might as well just leave,” he added, but Jihoon shook his head and held his hands up.

“No, no, nothing like that. I just have a little announcement of my own,” he clarified. He thought of his boyfriend, a little smile tugging at his lips. All attention was definitely on him now and the Block B dorm was eerily silent.

“My partner, that you used to tease me about, remember?” he said finally. Everyone nodded. “Well, I didn’t want to talk about it, because I was scared. My partner is not a ‘she’. Also, it’s someone you know.”

It seemed that they were all shocked beyond words. Jihoon averted his gaze to the floor and squirmed a little. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to do this anymore. But then another mental image of his boyfriend, always so eager to come out, and he straightened up.

“… It’s Mino,” he said finally.

The silence was compact. In the end, it was Jiho who broke it.

“Mino? Is it the Mino I’m thinking of?” he asked, as if he wasn’t sure. Jihoon just shook his head.

“How many Minos do you know? I only know one,” he replied.

Then, finally, Kyung broke the ice with a loud whoop. He stepped forward and half-hugged Jihoon, giving his back a friendly thump.

“Maybe a little late, but congratulations, man!” he said, causing the entire group to burst out into laughter.

“You should invite him over sometime,” Minhyuk cut in.

“Yeah, we miss him!” Yukwon agreed.

Jihoon just smile and nodded. He was quick to pick up his phone and call his boyfriend once his hyungs had finished congratulating him and asking him odd questions and just like he’d thought, Mino was beyond himself with happiness that Jihoon had finally told the other members of Block B that they were a couple.


A few months later, things had settled down. The Block B members were no longer begging Jihoon to invite Mino over each free moment they had, but Mino was still as eager to come over every time Jihoon had some spare time. It wasn’t like their hyungs minded anyway. They mostly cooed at them, called them adorable and teased them.

However one day, Jiho told Jihoon that they were to go clubbing.

“You want to come along? I’m sure we can get you in somehow. Maybe we can bring Mino, too,” he said with a teasing glint in his eyes. Jihoon stuck his tongue out a little and shook his head.

“Nah, I’m fine. Don’t feel like breaking the law today,” he answered nonchalantly, eliciting a chuckle from the leader, although his heart was beating crazily. He was afraid Jiho would question his motives further, but to his relief, the leader just shrugged.

“Sure. Don’t wait up.”

Jihoon waited nervously until he was absolutely sure all six of his hyungs had left and neither would come back before he threw himself on his phone and dialed a very familiar number.

“Do you have time? You need to come over, like, right now,” he said as soon as Mino picked up. He was met with a surprised, rather deep, chuckle.

“Whoa, someone misses their boyfriend,” Mino teased and Jihoon groaned.

“Yes, I miss my boyfriend,” he said. “Besides, the other went out clubbing. Come on. Please?”

“Hmm, I guess you’re right.” Mino’s voice had transformed to a deep purr when he next spoke and Jihoon bit his lip to suppress another groan. “It’s been a while since we did it.”

“A while?” Jihoon repeated, disbelief in his voice. “It’s been fucking forever!”

“Chill,” Mino laughed, “I’m on my way.”


Jihoon flew up from his place on the couch when the doorbell finally, finally rang half an hour later. As he opened it, he wasted no time in grabbing Mino’s shirt and pulling him inside before pressing him up against the door and kissing him senseless once he’d closed it.

“Mm, someone’s eager,” Mino breathed once they parted. Jihoon just groaned in response and pressed even closer to him, kissing him again, but Mino pulled away.

“Jihoon,” he said sternly, “bedroom.”

Jihoon put his hands under Mino’s butt for purchase as the other wrapped his legs around Jihoon’s waist, arms around his neck and lips mouthing at his shoulder, nibbling on sensitive spots and eliciting deep groans that made Mino whine with impatience.

Jihoon was too impatient to even care where they ended up, mentally kicking himself when he realized they ended up in Jaehyo’s bed, but way too horny to move to his own.

“Jihoon,” Mino panted once he realized it, too. ”This isn’t your bed. Let’s get to your bed.”

However, his actions were contradicting his words as he was busy wrestling with the button and zipper on his jeans, sighing in relief when they finally slid down his hips and some of the pressure on his cock was released.

“I don’t care,” Jihoon growled before he slid down just enough to mouth at the bulge in Mino’s boxers, causing the other to let a deep moan that sent shivers down his spine.

“My God, your voice,” he breathed when he slid back up to connect his mouth to Mino’s neck, sucking a purple bruise into the skin. Mino chuckled breathily and let his hands wander under Jihoon’s shirt, massaging his hard nipples once he found them.

“Yours, too,” he mumbled.

“Mm, I prefer yours, though.”

“Of course, I’m your boyfriend.”

Mino earned a bite to his neck for being cocky before Jihoon abandoned it in favor of removing his own clothes as well as Mino’s. The boys let out simultaneous deep groans as their bare erections brushed against each other, Mino’s only slight deeper than Jihoon’s.

“Oh God, need you so bad,” Mino groaned, once more wrapping his legs around Jihoon’s waist and rocking up against him. “Need you in me, now.”

Jihoon grinned and leaned down to nibble and suck on Mino’s earlobe, receiving a surprisingly light whimper from him.

“Ever heard of foreplay, Mino-ah?” he asked teasingly, purposely lowering his voice yet another octave. Mino groaned and his mouth fell open as Jihoon moved down to his chest and took a nipple into his mouth, teasing it with teeth and tongue.

“Don’t. Fucking. Care,” he bit out. “Just fuck me now!”

Jihoon didn’t answer this time and instead opted for doing as his lover said. He reached over to the side before he realized they were in Jaehyo’s bed, not his, and withdrew his hand to thrust his fingers into Mino’s waiting mouth.

Mino put on a show, like he always did, bobbing up and down on Jihoon’s fingers and swirling his tongue around them like they were his cock. It made Jihoon ridiculously hot each and every time, and he always had to pull his fingers back before they, in his opinion, were sufficiently saliva-coated.

Mino didn’t seem to mind, however, as he let out a moan of approval as Jihoon pushed the first of his digits past the tight ring of muscles.

“Come on, Jihonnie, I’m not made of glass,” Mino soon said, and Jihoon was a little surprised at how coherent he managed to sound. Nonetheless he obeyed, pushing a second finger inside and earning another moan from Mino, this one a little louder.

As he thrust his fingers in and out, he stretched Mino’s opening to the best of his abilities. He soon added a third finger and when he crooked his digits just right, Mino let out the loudest moan yet.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” he breathed out, pushing back on Jihoon’s fingers. “Right there.”

“That was close,” Jihoon said as he decided to tease his lover. “My name is Jihoon.”

Mino whined and shook his head.

“In me,” he ordered. “Now.”

Jihoon was not slow on obeying and he quickly pulled his fingers out, lining his cock up with Mino’s opening. Mino wrapped his legs around Jihoon’s hips again, this time not even thinking of letting go until both were completely spent, as the slightly older of the two slowly pushed inside.

They let out simultaneous groans and Jihoon’s head fell down onto Mino’s shoulder once he was fully sheathed, waiting for Mino to adjust, which he did fairly quickly.

“Move,” Mino mumbled in Jihoon’s ear, voice deep and rough with lust and want.


Kyung and Jiho were the first to come back from the club. They had decided to go home pretty soon, as they had a maknae that needed to be watched over.

Or so they thought.

One of the first things that met them was a loud, deep moan. Kyung and Jiho simultaneously looked at each other, eyebrows slightly raised. Their first guess was that Jihoon was jerking off or had found one of the other members’ porn stash.

However, it was followed by and equally loud, deep moan, this one containing words. It sounded a lot like several profanities all mixed into one single word emulated by Jihoon’s name. That’s when they realized - Jihoon had invited Mino. They smirked at each other in silent understanding.

“Hey,” Kyung said suddenly, smirk wiped off his lips and eyes wide. “Aren’t they… In Jaehyo’s room?”

Jiho glanced between Kyung, the door to Jaehyo’s room and back and again before he realized that the young couple was indeed in Jaehyo’s room and nodded. Kyung and Jiho, in their inebriated state, thought this was hilarious and had to hold on to each other as the fell to the floor, fighting to keep their laughter down and not alert Mino and Jihoon to their presence.


Inside Jaehyo’s room, Mino was nearing his orgasm quickly. His moans grew louder, yet somehow deeper, and his head trashed from side to side, hands scrambling for purchase on Jihoon’s back and shoulders, leaving bright red tracks in his wake.

“O-oh God, yes,” he hissed, back arching beautifully. Jihoon let out a growl of his own at the sight. “Nearly there…”

One of Jihoon’s hands left its purchase on the left side of Mino to instead wrap around his weeping length, jerking him off not-so in time with his thrusts until Mino’s back arched even higher and he came with a so deep it was barely audible for Jihoon.

That did it for the Block B maknae; the look of pure bliss on Mino’s face, the sound he made, the way he clenched around him…

“I love you,” he moaned, right in Mino’s ear, a split second before he spilled himself inside the other boy, body going rigid for a moment before he collapsed on top of his partner.

For a moment, the only sounds in the dorm were of their ragged breaths and wild heartbeats slowly going back to normal, but then the door opened. There was the sound of drunken giggling and the door closed with a loud bang. Mino chuckled tiredly while Jihoon let out a groan. Kyung and Jiho were home.

Luckily for them, neither of the two knew Jiho and Kyung had merely pretended to come home just now.


In the morning, they were rudely awakened by a loud, not-so-manly shriek.

“Eww! Get the fuck out of my bed!”

fandom: block b, genre: humor, pairing: mino/p.o, fanfiction: oneshot, rating: nc-17, genre: smut

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