Or Maybe That's Just the Sound of My Heart Breaking

Jan 28, 2012 21:41

Title: Or Maybe That's Just the Sound of My Heart Breaking [chapter 1/character intro]
Author: mystery
Pairing: KyuMin
Rating: G [this will change]
Genre: Fluff, romance, AU [this will change as well]
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): None for now~
Summary: ... Does a character intro need a summary?
Author’s Note: Um... Yeah, I've never read/written a character introduction before, but I just did it the way I wanted to do it, so enjoy, I guess XD Oh, also, there aren't actually many characters described in this... just two XD
Fanfiction Masterlist


Sungmin was the happiest, bubbliest, cutest twenty-year-old Kyuhyun had ever met. He was always smiling and laughing and joking around, he jumped up and down like a little kid when he was excited and he was absolutely adorable. Never mind that he absolutely loved pink, the color Kyuhyun hated the most, because it just made him all the more adorable somehow.

Kyuhyun got to know Sungmin when he was seventeen and at eighteen he’d already decided that his heart, body and soul belonged to the Pink Prince, as some of his friends teasingly called him. Sungmin needed only to ask and Kyuhyun would hand over what was rightly his, thanking Sungmin for letting him borrow it for eighteen whole years without knowing because, yes, it hurt to love someone who was so happy. Especially when he wouldn’t even glance your way.

Kyuhyun was nineteen when Sungmin came up to him, smiling so brightly Kyuhyun thought he would go blind and so warmly he was surprised he didn’t just melt at the spot. His best friend was, for once, tactful enough to remove himself from the scene.

“Hey,” Sungmin said and Kyuhyun mentally ‘aww’ed. His voice was as adorable as the rest of him, even as he tried to be cool. “You’re Kyuhyun, right?”

“Y-Yeah,” Kyuhyun stuttered, a little surprised at being able to speak and mentally slapping himself for sounding so pathetic. Sungmin’s smile grew impossibly wider.

“You’re kinda cute, you know. Want to do something later?” Sungmin asked, not dropping his smile for a split second, and Kyuhyun nearly had a heart attack.

“You mean like… a date?!” he sputtered and some girls behind him snickered. He told himself he didn’t care, but the blush on his cheeks told him otherwise. Sungmin giggled, too, and Kyuhyun’s face became even hotter.

“Yes, like a date. Or would you not like to?” Suddenly, Sungmin looked worried, a little crease forming between his brows. Kyuhyun shook his head frantically.

“No, I’d love to!” he exclaimed before he could stop himself. Then he realized what he must’ve sounded like. “I-I mean…”

Sungmin giggled and grabbed Kyuhyun’s hand, pushing a piece of pink paper into his hand.

“Good. Call me when you have time, okay?” His smile was back and Kyuhyun could only think of how his eyes sparkled.


With a last smile, Sungmin turned around and left. He was indeed the cutest person on Earth. As Kyuhyun got to know him, he realized he was also the most energetic, childish, stubborn and caring person he’d ever met. Not to mention once he’d started talking, the only way to shut him up was to tell him he was talking too much or to kiss him (Kyuhyun very much preferred the latter alternative). Already on their first date, he was blabbering about everything under the sun and Kyuhyun got to know a lot of things about him; he loved chocolate, the color pink, bubble tea and baking, he didn’t like horror movies, licorice and annoying big sisters and he absolutely adored bunnies. Even more so if they were pink.

He’d pout adorably and widen his eyes innocently at Kyuhyun when the younger teased him about his childish, girly traits. Kyuhyun would laugh and pinch his cheeks, telling him he loved him either way and Sungmin would grin ridiculously wide, but that was okay because he looked so happy.

On their third date, Kyuhyun brought Sungmin to an amusement park. Already after a few hours, Kyuhyun was exhausted, but Sungmin’s energy seemed endless. He kept clinging onto Kyuhyun, whining at him for being stupid and boring and pointing at ride after ride and saying “I want to go on that one! Please, please Kyuhyunnie, can’t we ride that once more!”

Kyuhyun bribed him with pink spun sugar so he could rest for a minute or two while Sungmin devoured the treat - big mistake. Sungmin’s energy only increased after the huge amount of sugar he’d just consumed and would not only bounce on the spot, whine and pout like crazy, but also giggle at everything.

Sometimes Kyuhyun would get really frustrated with Sungmin - mostly that was during those times he’d combine his stubborn and childish traits. It had happened more than once that he’d stop in the middle of the street, glaring at Kyuhyun because the younger had refused to buy him something he really, really, reeeaaaallllyyyy wanted. Once or twice it had happened that he began sobbing loudly when Kyuhyun said he would not buy the plushie Sungmin asked for. However then he usually threw Kyuhyun that innocent, puppy-dog look at Kyuhyun ended up giving in because Sungmin was just too cute and seeing him sad hurt, even if it was just acting.

Despite all of this, Sungmin could be a very responsible, caring and sensitive boyfriend as well. He instantly knew whenever Kyuhyun was down and would do anything, even embarrass himself in front of Kyuhyun’s friends, just to see him smile. Or, if Sungmin deemed it was what Kyuhyun needed, he’d just cradle the younger in his arms and let him ‘cry all the sad things out’ so he could be happy again. Kyuhyun also knew that Sungmin was there to listen whenever Kyuhyun needed it, even if he rarely opened up. It was enough for Kyuhyun to know that someone was there.

The two had been an official couple for six months, dating for fifteen, when a friend of Kyuhyun’s asked Sungmin to describe his boyfriend at their six month anniversary party. What they heard probably shocked all of them.

Kyuhyun was insanely good-looking, sexy and adorable all at the same time. Maybe he was a little cold or ignorant sometimes, Sungmin admitted that, but when he decided to play the careful, protective boyfriend-role, he was the sweetest person ever imaginable. It didn’t really matter that Kyuhyun sometimes spent more time with his computer than with Sungmin; whether it was with mind-blowing sex or a pink bunny plush and lots of cuddles didn’t really matter (this part made Kyuhyun blush bright red and several snickers were heard throughout the room).

Sungmin had made up several (some rather embarrassing) nicknames for Kyuhyun, and he counted the ones he could remember from the top of his head off on his fingers; Kyubear, Baby-Kyu, Kyuhyunnie, Kyunnie, Idiot-Gamer (he received a smack on the back of his head for this, but Kyuhyun kissed him in apology when he pouted in mock-pain), Miracle Kyu and, jokingly, Mr. Math Teacher, because Kyuhyun was a genius when it came to maths and Sungmin always had him help whenever counting was included.

He gushed a good ten minutes about how adorable Kyuhyun was when he was embarrassed and another five were spent on counting up every adorable detail about Kyuhyun’s actions about that day he asked him out. He only stopped when the people in the room began yawning.

Kyuhyun was stubborn. And stupid. And cold. And snarky. But he was also kind and sweet and caring, so it didn’t really matter. Sometimes he would attempt to bake Sungmin’s favorite sweets or Sungmin’s favorite food and Sungmin would eat it even if it tasted horrible, just because the thought was too sweet to be ignored. Kyuhyun grinned stupidly when Sungmin uttered those words and received more than a few giggles for it, but he just continued to look at Sungmin lovingly. Like he was the center of Kyuhyun’s world. Sungmin pointed this out as another trait in Kyuhyun that he absolutely loved. A blush joined the stupid grin on Kyuhyun’s face.

Sometimes Kyuhyun was very quiet and Sungmin would like him to talk more, but it was okay. He kissed like a god, could make his sister shut up with merely a pointed look and could easily socialize with people without needing to tell them about every millimeter of his life; a skill Sungmin deeply admired. He rounded it up by saying that he was very thankful to Kyuhyun for always buying him the things he wanted and very, very thankful for having Kyuhyun in his life.

“So, all in all you’re perfect for each other,” Kyuhyun’s friend commented, but his words went unheard by the couple as they shared a short, chaste kiss to show their appreciation for each other.

“I love you,” Kyuhyun muttered as they parted and Sungmin giggled.

“I love you too, even if you can be an Idiot Gamer.”

Kyuhyun playfully slapped him. There were spread shouts of ‘get married already’ and ‘get a room’, but neither of them cared. They had each other and that was all they needed.

fandom: super junior, genre: au, fanfiction: chaptered, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, genre: fluff, rating: g, genre: romance

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