Fairly Fairy (yet another post for me babe) read after the other post...

Jul 11, 2004 10:08

Born was huge compared to all the other fairies, his heart was relative in size of his body. He was not one to hate, not one to judge, in the time that Minner had disappeared Born had felt bad because she was such a sweet young lass, yet he had never wanted to be with her. Not because she was ugly, or a bad fairy but she was not what she wanted, too fragile was the word. He had his big eyes set on Hunov, she was not fragile at all, yet her beauty was incomparable to anyfairy. Born had always been fond of her but had never had the nerve to tell her of the way he felt. His heart was too big and did not want it crushed if she did not one to be loved by it, so he had kept his mouth shut.
Setting out on his own after departing from the other warriors he wished that he would be the one to save Minner as he knew that this would indeed secure a place in Hunov's heart for him. He had also felt that the intentions of the other fairies were merely to marry her and not to save her because she was a fairy and a friend. Born had never been one to do things because he had something to gain, if Hunov had not existed or if they were married he would have still gone looking for Minner, he just didnt like the fact that someone had taken her away from her father.
The forest was beginning to open up slightly and Born was sure that no fairy had been this far away from the village, save Minner and Luno. Born began to think of Luno. He could not agree with what the others had been saying about Luno. It was no secret that Luno loved Minner, though he had never made any advances toward her, but how could he, and why would he fairy nap her. Born knew all about big hearts and knew that his although big was nowhere the size of Luno's. This was another reason that Born wished he would find Luno, so that he could discover the truth before making a decision based upon assumptions, Luno had been his little buddy and the other fairies knew this. Luno and him had been the outcasts and the other warriors knew this and this was a great fear among them.
Continuing on away from the villages the thoughts were strong in his mind and he knew not where he head. He was dressed in light armour and carried a long broadsword and a finely crafted shield. This had been given to him by his father when Born had become one of the personal guardians of the king. He thought of his father and how strong and powerful he had been, he was truly the image of his father.
"WHHHAAAAAMMM." The sound crashed down toward Born. Moving quickly he flew out of the way. A branch from a tree that he was flying past had fallen down. Shaking his daydreams out of his mind he took to fight mode. Above him he saw a figure that was much larger than him, twice the size if he had to guess. It was not fairy looking at all and seem to have a broad grin upon its devilish face.
"Creature what do you want?" called Born up to the tree. No reply came only a darkness began to consume the light. A mist began to envelop the creature. Born kept his eyes on the yellow eyes that stared back at him. He blinked and the eyes were gone and all the remained was darkness.
Behind him, born felt something, very evil and very close. It spoke, as if talking with a mouth full of blood, "Closer and closer you may come but your eyes will never be prepared for what awaits their presence. I am but a voice of the evil." Born felt a pain enter his back and come out his stomach, the pressure was pulled out and then he realised that a sword had entered his body and pulled out. Closing his eyes he fell to the ground. The drop from the air was far and the large fairy was a pile of body on the ground. Born's eyes looked to the sky, the darkness slowly being overtaken by the light.
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