Nov 02, 2006 14:23
today was/is another freaking out day for me.
This morning i had a meeting with my advisor about classes. She said i'm right on track with my major...but my minor is another story. I told her how that last semester i was trying to sign up for these 300 lvl classes for my minor but it wouldnt let me due to pre-requisits that i havent taken. i wondered why that was...because should be able to get into them no matter what, right? but no..............i HAVE to take these stupid 100 lvl classes now, just so i can take the classes i need for my minor.
not to mention that i have to go through this big process of paper work, just so i can do the minor that i want because it isnt in my frickin catalogue. so i have to fill this stuff out to do a "split-catalogue" so i can even be "officially" taking it as a minor.
then there is the subject of Service Learning. 30 hours of it. sure it doesnt seem like such a big deal once you get started...but who has time when they are doing homework/school/job and such? i was hoping that when i went to japan and taught English that that would count. but i most likely wont because it was right before i started college. They also mentioned to me that tutoring someone could count. and i'm "tutoring/teaching" that guy in Japanese, but it isnt offical and through the i dont know if that would count either.
so i went to my advisor, ran to find out about service learning, then ran and got the "split-catalogue" form then back to my advisor to have her sign it. Then i had class were we had ANOTHER pop quiz. The second one for that class this week. amazingly i didnt do too bad.
then i had this huge 3 unit test in japanese....which i just barely finished in time, i was writing the end of my sentence when she said the hour was up and had to turn it in. and that is something that has never happened to me before. I always finish tests with at least 15 min. left, if not more. so yea...that was quite tough.
i also got my English paper back yesterday...and was pretty upset by my grade. it wasnt a failing grade...but still pretty bad. that class is pretty confusing and yea....and we have another paper due in like a week. I also have a history test the day after its due, and a presentation in Japanese due. i think there is another paper due somewhere in there as well...but i really cant remember due to the fact that my brain is fried right now.
and internships....yea...i dont know what to do. i have to write up my resume like asap. and i really dont know where to start. or even really how to do one. there are guidlines like on the school's website...but still. getting started and having enough good things to put on there about your self is hard. then there is my mom saying that i should be in more activites. yea right i think not.
i have brass choir on wed nights, belly dancing thursday nights, i work for 4 hours every monday, wed and friday, 2 on sat. i have school for so many hours per day plus homework. no thanks. sure i suppose it could be worse....but this is more than enough for me.
i'm starting to think that jumping off the bridge nude sounds like a pretty good idea right now. so that way if the impact doesnt kill me, i'll at least die of hypothermia. and possibly jumping off in front of a group of prospective students might be slightly humerous. :)