(no subject)

Oct 19, 2006 13:15

blah...i'm having one of those days where you're just depressed. not about anything in particular. just with everything and life in general. i think its from the build up of so much expectation that is put on me. blah i dont know. whatever.....
i hate school..but what else is new? and really who doesnt? 
teachers expect way too much.....esp for my dinky 2 cr class. o.o;;; she expects so much. 
and japanese...oh boy....not even gonna go there. i feel like i'm not really learning anything...i cant retain it all. 
and i'm supposed to help this one guy out with trying to learn it. yeah...i dont know how thats gonna work out. he's gonna learn it and become completely fluent and i'm gonna be floundering in the muck. 
everyone expects me to know what i want to do with my major, considering i'm a junior. yea right. 
"what kind of job do you want?" "are you going to grad. school?" "you should really start looking into internships" "you really need to start writing your resume" 
blah blah blah i dont even know what freaking classes i should/need to take for next semester! and i have to register in like 3 weeks and still have to see my advisor. 
i have group projects, papers, tests/quizzes up the wazoo....and i'm only taking the bare minimum of credits! o.o;;;
i dont want to know what its going to be like when i'm talking all 400 lvl classes and have like 15+ credits! 
i'd rather spend my time enjoying life instead of classes, homework and working just so i can afford to eat! 
>.< seriously...if this is what the real world is like after collge...i think i might let someone run me over with their car. blah
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