
Feb 16, 2006 22:28

well something interesting happened yesterday.

I dropped Chris off at his house before i went to Trumpet Choir at church. Afterwards i went back to see him for awhile. i get there and like i dont hear anyone. so i start to walk down their stairs into the basement/living room. i only get a few steps down when chris comes storming up the stairs. he had just shorts and an undershirt on. i was like...How come you're only half dressed?
He was like "just go up stairs..." and he was breathing really heavily. i was like o.o;; ok.....
he went into the kitchen and kept trying to call his dad, but his dad wasnt answering and he was getting really mad. so then the threw the phone down and was like i'm going over to my dad's office, you can come if you want.
*all this time he wasnt looking at me, acting really pissed and breathing heavy*
so we walked over and found his dad, and we start walking back to the house, and then he decides to tell what had happened.

*first of all...chris has a lot of siblings, and they practically are all living at home right now...and they are only allowed to watch one tv show or one movie a day...*

So i guess is brother that is oldest after him was having a bday party for one of his friends and they had been watching a movie. when it was over Chris wanted to watch a tv show that he always watches on Wed. nights. He asked for the tv, but his bro didnt answer and so Chris just took the remote and changed the channel. His bro got pissed and jumped him and they ended up wrestling around. He ended up putting Chris in a choke hold and shoved his face into his armpit so he couldnt breathe. i guess Chris kept trying to get him off, and did eventually and ended up flying off the handle at him and what not. * chris like never gets angry...if he does he just usually throws it aside and is all like whatever...* and yeah....
He was soooo pissed, that even after their dad talked to them for like 20 min, it took Chris another hour or so just to semi calm down.

He wanted to move out that night, but had no where to go. *thankfully, i know i'm kinda selfish....* but i guess he wants to go live in the cities now with his oldest brother, and work/go to school there. Though he said he'd really miss UWEC, because he really likes it here. Also said that he had seriosly considered joining the Air Force, because then he'd be shipped out in like 2 weeks *he was in the Navy before...*, but said he didnt want to leave me behind. :)

but yeah....lol...thats my story i guess...not much else exciting going on. lol, but i guess thats enough excitment for me for awhile! *i hope!!!!*
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