
Feb 13, 2006 14:18

today has been a really blah day.

people keep asking me what i'm doing with my major. I HAVE NOOOOO FREAKIN' IDEA. gah >.< my mother keeps telling me i need to go and research what i could possibly do.
part of me is like whatever, i dont want to.
i dont want to grow up yet, so i dont want to think about it.
bah...i have time.....sorta.....

all i know is that i want to write. i love writing. though i havent done it for sooo long. :( its sad really. havent been inspired much. or when i do write it turns out like shit. i havent written anything good in quite awhile. so it makes me feel that i'm not good enough.

i would like to do something with Japanese as well. i love the language, people, country and culture. but lately i've been struggling with remembering everything. it sucks. its like my brain is over loading with information. and some of it i'll never use again. if someone were to start talking to me in japanese i'd prolly be like....huh??? and have no idea how to respond well. or decent for that matter. if someone else asks me to say something in Japanese i always end up saying the same things. "Konnichiwa. Watashino namaewa anne betz desu. dozoyoroshiku. genkidesuka." plain boring things..... ois.

i feel like my life is going nowhere fast.
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