I finally did it. After months of shuffling my feet, I decided to sign up for a fic challenge. And, then I realized that, in all of the challenges I had heard of, my preferred pairing was already claimed. Which meant lots of pouting and whining by me, let me tell you. And then, I stumbled across
slashfic25, and *squee* my pairing was free!
slashfic25, I claimed Backstreet: AJ/Brian (naturally.
Now, here's my table:
1 Strangers
2 Curve
3 Accident
4 Through
5 School
6 Fall
7 Below
8 Beginnings
9 Inherit
10 Snow
11 Jealous
12 Writer's Choice
Letters 14 Canada
15 Forget
16 Enough
17 Map
18 Phobia
19 Rough
20 Smell
21 Epiphany
22 Secrets
23 Challenge
24 Kitchen
25 Writer's Choice
Will update this with links to my fics when written. Which I will start soon.
*is all happy now*