(no subject)

Apr 16, 2012 02:32

I'm hoping this is the last backtrack/catch-up entry I write in a while even if I haven't been doing much and staying up late. I'm still my lazy self when it comes to updating or doing anything. I'm on some high level of summer bumming. I'm actually bored already but I've been managing, I guess.

I read four books in four days. Namely and respectively, Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk and the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. You know, just one after the other. It's the fastest and most I've done in that amount of time. It probably has nothing to do with my reading skillz (yeah, with a z) and their improvement from all the readings I had to deal with last sem but more of the fact that they were so easy to get sucked into. They were very good reads. So good that I had to finish them before taking a bath and kept going through them till the sun came up and the birds chirped which are usually signs that tell me "you're seriously still going to sleep?" or "good luck waking up!"

Obviously I went for my stack of unread Palahniuk's first but I went for the Hunger Games right after because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and I wanted to watch the movie but not go into it blindly. Needless to say, I'm very much thankful for my curiousity and the peer pressure that even led me to watch the movie two times in a row and call several Fully Booked stores just to find the box set since I read them from pdf files. Unfortunately, I don't have one yet since they've all been sold out but we ordered one from the States so no worries there. Side note: because of my crazy reading of the Hunger Games, I got the sniffles and cough. Totally worth it though.

I was thinking of beginning Game of Thrones but since the second season recently started, I'm going to hold out on that and get into it when most of my current shows are on their summer hiatuses since I won't have a lot to watch. Same goes for Doctor Who but only from the 9th Doctor onwards. Besides the already mentioned, I have four other recommended shows to try out and thinking about them is exhausting. I'm serious when I say this because being in a fandom is not easy.

From the tweets I've been seeing on my timeline, people are interning and going back to school for the summer sem. Then, there's me being dumb, melting in my room in oddly comfortable women's boy briefs. But, hey, I have a reason to wake up early on Wednesdays because Glee's back with no more hiatuses for the rest of the season and most of the original cast's going to graduate which will lead me to a new point of depression, yay!

So, I'm at a loss of things to talk about right now because I don't think there's anything else I need to take note of. I'm also a bit distracted because I finally found a free download so I'm listening to the amazingness of the Space Tour CD, and I'm thinking about watching the awesomeness of Holy Musical B@man again while I wait for the torrent of the iCarly episode with One Direction to finish. You're judging me, I can hear you.

About the new liking for One Direction I found over the weekend, I'm blaming their constant presence on my dashboard, the SNL episode they performed in, DailyGrace's Sexy Friday video, and mostly Liam Payne's everything. I listened to What Makes You Beautiful for three days straight, I watched most of their videos on their YouTube-VEVO channel, and I went through the rest of the album a while ago... and now I really want a Liam doll.

Okay, I'm done.
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