(no subject)

Mar 01, 2012 22:22

Coming back to doing school work after the Christmas break was not pretty since they had to do with this semester's two major requirements. Can we begin with Marketing? Two points: first, I can't blame anyone for my laziness towards this subject and this project, so oops; and second, even though it was my proposal that was approved, I did ask the group if they really wanted to push through with it because it is honest to God bloody (or "madugo"). But we seem to be powering through it so at least it's working out.

This group thesis is what continues to stress me out the most. We're four in the group, two seniors and two juniors. As one of the latter, I expected a level of superiority and a more responsible approach towards this paper. Unfortunately, those things don't come with age or year level at all. Because of this, I've been emailing our professor with weekly progress reports and my complaints. Bitching to your prof isn't something commended in college, I know, but she seems to appreciate the feedback. So if she wants feedback, I give it. But what exactly am I complaining about though?

Senior C just so happens to also be in the same Marketing group as me. For both projects, she has the same work ethic: works, falls asleep, and sends her part/s late. Our acting leader, who I recently learned is my batchmate and not a senior, always makes me text her because he says she never replies to her while she claims she never gets anything from him. It's not fun being the middleman of the two. Again, she does the same thing towards our thesis except there's no need for a middleman because I directly point out what her tasks are. And to think, she's our group leader for this. Of course, having told our prof about her ways, it is with no doubt I've taken the two head and only positions. The editor has ripped off the moustache and I am in charge of this mission now. Only a small part of me feels bad for squealing and getting Senior C's lack of leadership called out on but, sorry, I'm not sorry.

I've been using the word incompetent so much recently, I'm starting to annoy myself and think that I need to find more synonyms. The way it sounds when you read it or say it is perfect for when I talk about Senior A though that I can't seem to part with the word and its forms, which is why I call him an incompetent twig. His stupidity has been pushing me off the edge ever since we started doing the first chapter, I'm not sure where to begin my ranting. For one, he doesn't know how to cite sources in Turabian which is dumb because we all went through it in English and Filipino 12. Is he saying he doesn't remember it at all? Are you that forgetful? When he told me that he had a hard time with it and that using MS Word's feature made it even more complicated, I told him to send me the information used in citing so I could fix it myself. Later, he followed with "Do we really need the place and date of publication?" Lord, I wanted to kill myself.

The first submission of this chapter went horribly because I was supposed to be the one handing it over to the department secretaries but I was already running late, thanks to them, and beating Katipunan traffic at that time would be impossible. The fact that the printer and/or the file went bonkers on me didn't help either. I remembered that Senior A said his printer was in school so out of panic, I called him and told him I was sending him the files and that he would submit it instead. His response over the phone: "Uhhhh... So, four files... Okay..." and quoting the rest would make this paragraph full of ellipses. The most recent example of his retardedness happened a week ago actually when I asked him to send me a retabulation of his survey results because he didn't follow the format. I told the whole group the week before that, I texted them this afternoon, and this dumbass idiot still asked me about it again. So, yeah, total retard (by the way, that's retarded in the most derogatory of its meanings and not what your friends would say when you do something foolish). Again, sorry but I'm so not fucking sorry because how the fuck did I end up with a group like this?

In relation to all of that's under the cut, thinking that my 'free Mondays' schedule could finally be used to indulge in the awards season, there was always something coming up either Marketing or thesis related. I'm still waiting for the time I get to watch something live. That is, if I wake up.

I finally got to do my JEEP. I was a customer service person for the first day then a bagger for the last two in Shopwise Libis. It wasn't exactly new to me compared to other people only because I'm no stranger to the whole supermarket background. Being a bagger was more worthwhile because you were actually doing something instead of just doing an announcement every ten minutes. The only thing that turned me off with bagging were the creepers. One was that security guy who kept helping me and asking me questions. None of the others were being helped, okay, and I can and know how to bag groceries so I got creeper vibes. Second was with these two guy customers lining up at another cashier who I noticed kept staring at me so I made it a point to not make eye contact and look the other way. I got mistaken a lot for not being an employee too because I don't look it, like "Oh, I was wondering why you were taking my groceries," "Are you the owner?," and "Do you have a credit card already, ma'am?" Extra from a woman who knew it was for school: "Are you from La Salle?"

Family-related: Achie Bambi and Ahia Terence were here! I haven't seen Ahia Terence in nine years and I missed him so much. He's older and bigger but he still gives the best hugs. I didn't expect to see them and their significant others as much but it surprised me how much we did. A lot of other relatives from the US have rolled in. It's been a Qui invasion but it's nice having Auntie Lulu and Uncle Cesar stay with us. The house isn't as boring.

Yeah, I'm going to talk about fandom life in a few words in order not to make this any longer: Sherlock is awesome. I'm stupid for not watching it sooner. Matt Bomer is Cooper Anderson aka Blaine's big brother and there's going to be an episode called Big Brother meaning it's Blaine-centered. You know how Kristen Bell has sloth meltdowns? I have Anderson brother meltdowns.

Oooh, I have a big girl phone now! He's a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and I named him Ponty after J. Pierrepont Finch from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. It's been about a month since I got it so I'm still a bit Android illiterate but I'm learning. Swarley went nuts one night: had to restore it from back up which didn't really work because all my games restarted and I lost all my notes. The games weren't important but my 2011 travel notes were. That's why I haven't been able to finish my November entry. I'm going to attempt to reconstruct them through pictures and tweets when we get back from our next trip. It'll be tedious but it's better than editing this thesis.
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