(no subject)

Oct 15, 2001 20:47

Name: Sunish
Nicknames: Everything and anything
Current SN's: noctebellator, pyrotekmaniac
Birthday: 4/5/86
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Siblings: None, I am a spoiled rotten only child brat
City/State: boringville
Future Location: who knows.
Collections: keychains, altoid tins *just started)
Goals/Ambitions: CEO of a computer company
Hobbies: karate, extra stuff at school, tv, computers, and everything else that geeks do
Lefty/Righty/Ambi: righty.
School: NHS
Job: Currently looking

4 Letter Word: blah
Actor/Actress: Actor - Mel Gibson/Bruce Willis Actress - Jennifer Love Hewitt
Animal/Insect: dog
Athletes: Hmmm..goood question
Board Game: Monopoly
Book: The Giver
Candy: jelly bellys/mike and ike's
Cartoon: simpsons, rugrats
Cereal: gotta be the oreo o's
Chewing Gum: winterfresh
Color:(s) GREEN!!!!
Day of Week: Friday Night/Saturday
Least fave day: Monday!!!!! I HATE MONDAYS
Drink (Alcoholic): I don't drink.
Drink (Nonalcoholic): waaater!
Fabric: eh?
Food: oh god, here goes nothing : tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, tostadas, burritos, soft tacos, pene, zete, spaghetti, pizza, cookies, taco salads ... theres more much more
Fruit: An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Holiday: Christmas
Hour of Day: 4:20, so i can go and shoot all the weed users because they are dumb
Ice Cream: Cookies & Cream
Item of Clothing/Outfit: huh?
Jell-O Flavor: i am jello, no more for me
Music: rock, band: incubus
Music Video: i dont know
Number: i really dont know!! i have to find one
Perfume/Cologne: cologne is not my "deal yo"
Place/Town: not nashua
Quote/Saying: "snarf?"
Restaurant Chain:
School Subject: Math
Season: Fall and Spring
Shampoo: Whatever my mom buys
Shapes: acute triangle
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