Missing Him

Jul 23, 2007 00:00

Kev left Friday about 1500 BST to go to London for several days.  He was originally just going to an Anime con, but as a bonus he got to go to an early screening of Transformers which is due to be released this Friday all across Europe.  On Friday he got his Transformers comic (which is only available in the UK it seems) and he bought the Transformers game for his PS3 and his PSP and got a t-shirt as a bonus.  I begged for a pic and I got my wish as I got to see him in it.  I told him how much I loved it and that I would do the girlfriend thing and "borrow" it.  =P  Which we all know is code for me keeping it.  When he made it to London, he sent me a messsge to say he had mad it alright.  I admit to worrying when he travels, especially after seeing premonition,  That film left me feeling anxious over his safety.  He's staying with his dad, so things should be fine. 
Saturday, Kev picked up a cute fluffy penguin, Mr. Flibble (a name I kept forgetting so I found it difficult to look up about him).  He told me I wasn't allowed to do the g/f thing and "borrow" it.   Penguins are evil.  Saturday night they went to see Transformers (he said his dad had to redeem himself after falling asleep at the last Transformers film).  They both had a good time and his dad enjoyed the film.  ^__^   I knew his dad would enjoy it.  I got to hear from Kev a lot today.  I am missing him so much and and to hear his voice has brought me no end of happiness.  I managed to find the penguin who's name I kept forgetting on Wiki and discovered he was from Red Dwarf and was apparently indeed evil.  Apparently, in order to use the hologramatical (and no that's not a typo) you have to be psychotic.  I asked Kev if one had to be psychotic to play with the penguin puppet.  He replied back (via SMS) that it helped.  To which I responded "would you still love me?"  And happily he replied with "always".   ^_^  I might make that red gingham dress with the white pinafore to wear so I can wear it while playing with Mr. Flibble.  Though that may indeed test Rodi's love as he may believe me to be psychotic indeed.  I love that man very much.  So much that I agreed to watch Red Dwarf with him when I see him.  And I mean to see him.  Hopefully, very soon. 
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