Title: The One That Marks the Real Start
Myrna1_2_3Fandom: As the World Turns
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: R
Summary: This is where it really, finally starts
Disclaimer: Not-not-mine
Author’s Notes: I’m messing around a little with the details of committees and the Foundation and the hospital wing thing project. As one does.
The One That Marks the Real Start )
Do you know what I am doing right now? I AM WIPING AWAY TEARS. Yes! Really! Tears! You moved me to tears!
“ Besides, “ Luke continued, “I was stupid to think I could… I mean, really, what was going to happen? He comes home at the end of the day and talks about how, oh yeah, he saved some guy who was having a stroke and some other guy with a brain tumor, and,” Luke motioned at Noah, “And he made some blind guy see, and what, I tell him, well, hey, I filled out form G-75X-L to preserve the Foundation’s tax exempt status! I used ink!” He rolled his eyes at the idea. “I don’t even have a college degree. How long could someone like me keep someone like him interested?”
“I don’t even recognize you,” Noah said.
“Give me a break,” Luke said. “Look at who he’s with now! Simon Ashby is gorgeous, he’s smart, he’s as brilliant at his job as Reid is at his, and I’m…”
“You’re what?” Noah said as if daring Luke to finish the sentence.
Luke snorted. “None of those things,” he said pointedly.
This is what did it. I just didn't even see it coming, but Noah and I said the same thing and I was just suddenly crying my eyes out and I re-read the same part for at least fifteen minutes, over and over again. This is perfect. The angst, and the insecurity, and Luke's not fighting for what he wants because he really truly thinks Reid doesn't want him and Reid's kicking himself and I just had to stop here and cry.
But! Then! Wait! There's more!
Reid continued on to the bathroom, then found Simon back at their table. “Long line at the urinal?” Simon asked, one eyebrow lifted in exaggerated curiosity.
Reid rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I am colossally fucked,” he said, more to himself than Simon. Well, what the hell could he do. He reached out and squeezed Simon’s arm and said, “I’m sorry to bail on you, but I’ve gotta go… build a God damned life with Luke.”
AND THEN I GOT TO LAUGH. And it was sweet, and things were right, and my heart just sailed out a balloon caught in the winds of a summer day or something EQUALLY cliched and cheesy and hooooooooooly jesus. Still crying a little, because this is that good.
On a completely unrelated note, I re-read all of the previous installments the other day and I loved how much they all tie together, how in one you reference the first I-love-you and in another you actually write it out, bringing the pool back around as where Ethan and his friend splash around and as where Luke wants the med students, this program Noah is about to do and then he goes off to win at Sundance... I don't know how many more of these you are planning to write but I hope for my happiness they never, ever stop.
And on that note I will stop gushing and just pretend I am a normal person and not a CRAZY FAN of this, and this series, and Luke, and Reid, and you.
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