Title: The One That Marks the Real Start
Myrna1_2_3Fandom: As the World Turns
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: R
Summary: This is where it really, finally starts
Disclaimer: Not-not-mine
Author’s Notes: I’m messing around a little with the details of committees and the Foundation and the hospital wing thing project. As one does.
The One That Marks the Real Start )
Comments 70
There are no words to describe how much i love this.
I am so IN LOVE with this.
Do you know what I am doing right now? I AM WIPING AWAY TEARS. Yes! Really! Tears! You moved me to tears!
“ Besides, “ Luke continued, “I was stupid to think I could… I mean, really, what was going to happen? He comes home at the end of the day and talks about how, oh yeah, he saved some guy who was having a stroke and some other guy with a brain tumor, and,” Luke motioned at Noah, “And he made some blind guy see, and what, I tell him, well, hey, I filled out form G-75X-L to preserve the Foundation’s tax exempt status! I used ink!” He rolled his eyes at the idea. “I don’t even have a college degree. How long could someone like me keep someone like him interested?”
“I don’t even recognize you,” Noah said.
“Give me a break,” Luke said. “Look at who he’s with now! Simon Ashby is gorgeous, he’s smart, he’s as brilliant at his job as Reid is at his, and I’m…”
“You’re what?” Noah said as if daring Luke to finish the sentence.
Luke snorted. “None of those things,” he said pointedly.
This is what ( ... )
You write Reid with sooooo much conviction and it's perfect. LOVE him being prtective of Luke - I have always thought he'd be like that in a relationship.
I adore your writing sooooo much!!!!!!! :D :D
I assume Noah is the ex-boyfriend? I love how you wrote his relationship with Luke, like friendship but with a special tenderness.
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