Title: Covet Thy Lover Fandom: Glee Pairing: Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry Rating: T Summary: Set in high school. Quinn is closeted, Faberry are secretly together, and complications arise as neither of those facts entirely mesh.
Title: Under Pressure Fandom: Glee Pairing: Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry Rating: T+/M Summary: Slight AU. Med-student Quinn and Broadway actress Rachel are best friends both living in NYC. After a breakup, Rachel just may realize her real match is closer than she thought.
Title: 2 AM Fandom: Glee Pairing: Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry Rating: T Summary: "Quinn Fabray looked up at her with those eyes and any resistance she might have had to her presence collapsed in on itself, forced down without the slightest hesitance." Notes:
Title: Distracted Fandom: Glee Pairing: Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry Rating: T Summary: Rachel feels neglected by her girlfriend in favor of schoolwork. This will not do.