Feb 24, 2006 09:36
Just do it.
Spencer W. Kimball
No, Nike didn't come up with this first. ;-)
Such a simple phrase, but how much do we fail to "just do it?" I think that my procrastination (omission) is responsible for more of my sorrow, than for any particularly examined decision or act (comission) in my life.
We make plans. We talk about ideas we have for the future. Always in the future. But taking those thoughts from paper to plan to production into a part of our lives, is the challenge.
Current models of the physics of Time follow two schools of thought: Either the present moment is the only real thing in existence (and the future and past are largely illusions), OR, all moments are equally coexistent. I think it's interesting that, in either case, what we choose to do (or fail to do, in idle procrastination) affects the whole of our existence.
Today, begin by just doing some things you've been putting off for too long.