Lord Help Us-- I'm Writing a Cross Over

May 13, 2014 02:58

I don't like cross overs. I avoid them like the plague. I don't read them. I don't even consider reading them. And I certainly don't write them.

But then I stumbled upon the T and B Anon Meme, and someone provided the prompt for a Yami no Matsuei and Tiger & Bunny crossover. I looked at it for a while, intrigued, and moved on. Days later, when I was supposed to be grading papers, fragments of a plot started to flutter into view. I now have pages of notes, outlining plot points, character interactions, key details for merging both universes, timeline of events, character ages, categorizing supernatural abilities... I have a title. And I have 3.5 pages of this saga already written.

What is wrong with me?! XD

I have a bunch of other projects I should be working on (including finishing up the school year, eep!), but this damn project won't leave me alone. Oh well. What can ya do when inspiration strikes?

This story will not be uploaded to AO3 until it is completed and edited, but I will be mirroring the posts from the meme here, on my journal. I will also be uploading the copious amounts miscellaneous information about the universe, characters, backgrounds, etc. by way of Author's Notes. So there is that to look forward to.

update, author's notes, the sternbild files, anon meme, writing, yami no matsuei, fanfiction, fanfic, ao3, tiger&bunny

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