Ode to Random Design Nostalgia...

Feb 11, 2012 20:32

Hey, I've been VERY slowly adding tags to my entries on this journal, starting from the first entry in 2003. I've done, like, 5 entries, in the past hour? It's going to take me a very long time. Mainly because I'm easily distracted.

Oct, 2009

I was always really proud of this poster design, because I felt it entertainingly allures to nerds, while not disparaging them(us), as well as looking nifty for people who wouldn't normally wanna go, or wouldn't normally give it a 2nd thought....? My teachers didn't like it because it's the London Film Festival - they were obsessed with the imagery showing the fact that the event takes place in London, like the sci-fi one, for example, they'd thought I should've been in front of Big Ben. I totally disagreed, because 1: in theory, chances are these posters would be displayed IN London anyway, and 2: The type can say it perfectly fine. He kept saying to people, "That could easily say San Francisco or Berlin." And I was all, "but it says London".

*shrug* whatever. I just know a lot of you our there like Doctor Who, so hopefully you'll like it better than my stupid teachers.

So, this post helps explain one of the reasons why it's taking so long to tag! lol.

Love, Jamie

design, photo update, art, photos, uni

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