
Jul 27, 2005 22:09

Well, this morning I rose with a severe pain in my legs from running on Monday, a tearing feeling and a soreness that wouldn't go away. I managed to slowly and arduously walk down to the field, where a good collection of my teammates were waiting for me. As promised, we were going to run, and quite frankly, I had no idea how I'd be able to make it. But I did. We ran from the lower field several streets straight up a steep hill for a good half-mile, then another half-mile down the road to the entrance to Westville Dam/Recreation Area, then ran a mile down the road to Westville, through the dam, and then along the path by the woods and the river back to where we began. It was an amazingly tough run, but I made it, even though I was drenched in sweat, and had to break 30 seconds along the way.

Then Josh and Victor took corner kicks as we all waited by the goal, and pathetically, noone really made that many good goals or they just mis-kicked the ball. I ended up making several headers and good goals, getting angry with everyone else's malperformance. I then jokingly suggested we played ass, and we did. For those of you who don't understand, ass is when you juggle the ball in a circle, and if you mess up, you get one letter of ass. Once you get ass, you must run to the goal, and bend over, while everyone else kicks soccer balls at your ass. If they hit, everyone goes again. If one person hits a part of their body, they can kick again themself. It keeps going until everyone misses. I nailed Mike straight in the ass as the last one to kick. ^^ And once again, I didn't have to bend over. Mike gave me a ride home seeing as we live almost right next to each other, and offered one Friday morning.

So I had run more, but I wasn't sore. I felt pretty good, and not as bad as I did Tuesday through Wednesday. But even stranger, I was tired, just like I am now. Really tired. But I can't sleep. There was something important I have to find out around midnight, long story.

I had managed to visit the library earlier too.
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