Jul 25, 2026 23:04
-life's great
-isn't love a weird thing? i mean those times where you think you'll never in your life end up with a certain someone and you think they hate you or visa versa...and then in the end..you both end up together? seriously...being in love is nice =]
-i love you <3
-today was my abercrombie (no not & fitch just Abercrombie) interview. wish me luck! i think i did really well overall though. the other girls sucked and gave crap answers but you never know. hopefully i got the job, though cause i need money!
-i wish i had my own apartment. or shared one. or something!
things to do:
-work on pool skills =/
-scholarships gallore
-work hard
-get all A's
-fight for good classes, eh.
-sleep more. and on schedule again.
-scrapbook memories
time to go bitches.