This shit is in the bag.
Megyn and I went to our polling place around noon today, to cast our votes in this historical election. It was easy-breezy: there were no lines, we were in and out in ten minutes, and I'm wearing my "I Voted" sticker alongside my Obama '08 pin.
I've been watching the campaigns for many months now. It's been exhilarating, hilarious, dirty, all-consuming and a lot of fun. But let's face it: I'm so happy it's over.
So I'm up on the fourth floor of McHenry to once again, write a last-minute paper. I slayed the last one I wrote here: 95% bayyyybeeee. Ariel told me not to get too cocky, but then later he just happened to casually show me his stellar grades (mostly A's with scattered B's) on his student portal. Cocky, hmm? He's a smart fucker and I like his sexy brains.
By the end of this day, I'll have a president I actually like! HOORAY!