survizzle im bored

Sep 06, 2004 13:45

1. if there were 3 wells (love, beauty and creativity) and you could only drink from one, which would it be? love
2. with problems, whom do you run to? britt & erin
3. which finger is your favorite? pinkie
4. what's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? dont eat anything disgustingg
5. would you kill someone? probably
7. if you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? um. me?
8. do you like your handwriting? shure
9. who are you jealous of? nobody
12. what do you put on your sandwiches? you make me wanna lala on the kitchen floor

13. do you think people on the Gap commercials are cool? no
14. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? hhah i dono
15. are you a daredevil? hah
16. how big was the biggest mango you ever ate? mangos i dont eat
17. have you ever told a secret you swore you'd never repeat? um i dono, probably not
18. what do you think is the most attractive animated character? aladdin was always pretty hot
19. do looks matter? somewhat
20. favorite color? red
24. who is your idol? i dono,
25. who is your second family? rufos
26. do you trust others easily? yes, too easily
27. what was your favorite toy as a child?: baarbie was dope

When was the last time you...
Smiled?: las nite
Laughed?: footballmatt1234, with joe. hah
Cried?: i dont remmber
Bought something?: hmmMM
Danced?: erins partaay
Were sarcastic?: i hate you
Talked to an ex?: hah alot
Watched your favorite movie?: hmmm i dono a while ago
Had a nightmare?: last night.. bunny nightmare
Last book you read: never
Last movie you saw: in theaters? paprazzi
Last song you heard: id give you my heart if youd give me the truth

Last thing you had to drink: water
Last time you showered: this am

Last thing you ate: bread
Do you...
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: um no
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no
Live in the moment?: i try to
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: ya
Play an instrument?: hahah thats funny
Believe there is life on other planets?: sure
Remember your first love?: yes unfortunatly
Read the newspaper?: no lol

Have any gay or lesbian friends?: not that i knwo of .but maybe? are u gay?
Believe in miracles?: of course i do
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes

Consider love a mistake?: ...
Like the taste of alcohol?: mm yes
Have a favorite candy?: gummy bears!
Believe in magic?: yes
Believe in God?: not really
Pray?: only when it's in a certain situation
Have any secrets?: yes
Have any pets: hampster..I LOVE WAYNE. the other pets i have can die.
Do well in school?: no
Go to or plan to go to college?: um prolly not
Have a major? .
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: foootballl maaaat! quueer
Wear hats?: on ocassion
Have any piercings?: ears belly button....
Have any tattoos: no
Have an obsession?: no

Have a secret crush?: its nto rreally secret

Do they know yet?: uh ya
Collect anything?: umm no hah
Have a best friend?: yes
Wish on stars?: when i feel like it
Have any bad habits?: probably
Believe in witches?: noo
Believe in Satan?: hah no
Believe in ghosts?: yes

what is your full name?: carrie annne duncan
spell your first name backwards: eirrac
date of birth: dec 4 1987
male or female: female
astrological sign: saggitarius
nicknames: whatever u call me

Hair color: dont no
Eye color: brown
State born: Massachusetts
Where do you reside now: ws, massachusetts
Age: 16

Screen names: carrrie 026
E-mail addy: ^^
What does your screen name stand for: my name

Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake:didnt have candles ?
Tattoo's: ?
Shoe size: 4 usually
Righty or lefty: righty
Wearing: clothes
Hearing: loudness
Feeling: bored, tired
Eating/drinking: ntohing bout to go to jjs

Family Stuff..
How many siblings do you have?: 2
What are your siblings names?: tami mike

What are your parents names?: carol, and dad was steve. and we dont count fagget stepdad cuz hes gay
How many siblings does your mother have?: 2
How many siblings does your father have?: 3
Where are your parents from?: springfield
Is your family close?: i miss my daddio, and im close with everyone but the stepdad
Does your family get together for holidays?: yah
Do you have a drunk uncle?: my uncles are great, and yah i have a couple uncles whio drink alot
Any medical problems run through your family?: depression, thats about it?
Does someone in your family wear a toupee?: A WHAT?!
Do you have any nieces or nephews?: yup<33aww
Are your parents divorced?: well he died, so like. yah
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family?: hah i wish ken would just go away
Did some of your family come to America from another country?: uh my great granpa came from italy..

Music Stuff..
What song do you swear was written about you or your life?: "im ok"
What's the most embarrassing cd you own?: im not embarrassed
What's the best cd you own?: alot of them
What song do you hate?: all the new rap shit
Do you sing in the shower?: DOT DOT DOT
What song reminds you of that special someone?: alot

Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs
(and im to lazy so i changed the rules)

Pink: get this partay starteddd
Aerosmith: and i dont wanna miss a thing
Backstreet Boys: quit playin games with my heart
The Beatles: yellow submarine
Weezer: ooo eeeooo i look jkust like buddy holly
Green Day: i hope you had the time of your life
Limp Bizkit: keep rollin rollin rollin
Sublime smoke two joints

Creed: sucks

Britney Spears:slut

Eminem: kill

Mandy Moore: looks better with brown hair
Nelly: ghetto

Color: red as i said before

Food: fries
Song: alot
TV Show: some
School subject: GRRraphic arts
Band/singer/artist: right now tbs
Radio station: dont really listen to it
Pair of shoes: pumas

Actor: johnny knoxville cuz hes bangin
Actress: hmm i dono
Drink: lemonadee
Soda: i dont like soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holiday: my bday&christmas
Perfume/cologne: paacsunnn
Pizza topping: pepperoni
Jello flavor: jello shots
Card Game: unoo

Video game: sonic and marrioo
Website: lj
Computer game: candyland hah
Number: 26

Cereal: coookie crisp and reeses puffs
Comedian: dave
Teacher: dono yet

Salad dressing: italian

Thing to do on the weekend: hmm hangout with people i dono

Season: all of them have good qualitys
Sport to watch: baseball

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits..
What color are your sheets?: black i think
What color are your bedroom walls?: i dontn o
Do you have posters on your wall?: used to but then i moved rooms i miss my room:(
If so of what?: hah alot of stuff

Do you have a tv in your bedroom?: yeah
How many pillows are on your bed?: i donno
What do you normally sleep in?: stuff
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: stuff

What size bed do you have? futon! !

Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: no

Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom?: yup
Describe the last nightmare you had: bunny 8'tall killing me ahh
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: naaah
How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed?: two maybe 3

Any unusual sleeping positions?: no?
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling?: 0

Do you have an alarm clock in your room?: ya buti use my cell
What color is the carpet in your room?: hah who nos
What's under your bed?: dono ur motha

This or that..
loser/wannabe: loser
Doughnuts/bagels: bagles
Day/night: night

Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: dorothy
Heaven/hell: heaven
Coffee/tea: water

Hamburgers/hotdogs: cheeseburgers
Rap/rock: ROCK
Britney/Christina: ashlee
Swiss cheese/american cheese: americano
Real World/Road Rules: hah real world
Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: hah neither
Silver/gold:both unless iw as in the olympics

Nike/Adidas: puma
McDonalds/Taco Bell: tacobell
Sweet/sour: sweet
Punk/emo: die
Winter/summer: winter proly summers annoying

Spring/fall: fall
Operas/plays: plays
Read/watch tv: haha im iliterate, tv
Cd's/tapes: cd
Dvd's/vhs:: dvd

Old/new: i dont know.. depends on situation

Shorts/pants: pants
Pink/red: hmm.. pink on some things red on others
Colored pictures/black and white photos: depends
Meat/vegetables: meat !
Mexican food/chinese food: chinese MEXICAN FOOD eww

Commercials/infomercials: commercials
Scary movies/comedies: comedies
Sandals/tennis shoes: hah tennis shoes? lol
Dogs/cats: monkies
Water/land: hah land

Sugar/spice: sugaa

Black/white: both hah
ribbons/bows: ribbons
Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: woooow ur just runnign ouit of questions
Austin Powers/James Bond: austins hot
Popcorn/pretzels: smartfood
Hip/hop: hip fo shizzle
Picture frames/photo albums: photo albums
Pens/pencils: pens

Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: hah no
Been on a diet: no

Broken a bone: nope, but almost. knock on wood
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: hah i dont think so

Sworn at a teacher: hmm i dono
Got in a fight: no im nice

Dated a teacher: ew
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: probably
Thought about killing your enemy: hahah all the time

Gone skinny dipping: not yet but i want to

Told a little white lie: yes
Told a secret you swore not to tell: no
Stolen anything: hahahah ME? steal. nooo lol

Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: hah probablkly
Been on TV: nope
Been on the radio: once
Been in a mosh pit: no
Been to a concert: yes
Dated one of your best friends: close to it but no

Deceived somebody close to you: no i dont think so

Broken the law: yes
Been to a rodeo: hah no
Been on a talk show: nope
Been on a game show: no
Been on an airplane: ya
Got to ride on a firetruck: ya in kindergarten
Came close to dying: hah ya a couple times

Gave someone a piggy back ride: yes
Terrorized a babysitter: i was too cool for babysitters
Made a mud pie: probably
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: sureee
Snuck out of the house at night: not my house

Felt like you didn't belong: yes
Felt like the 3rd wheel: ya
Had your tonsils removed: no
Gone to camp: yes

Won a bet: yes
Gotten a speeding ticket: not yet
Done jail time: no way
Thrown up in public: no way
Bowled a perfect game: hah i am horrible aw memories
Got perfect attendance in grade school: no way
Taken ballet/karate lessons: no lol

Childhood Stuff..
Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes: yessssss
Did you own Treasure Trolls: hah no

Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: yupp

Did you play Simon Says: yes
Did you watch Fraggle Rock: omg yes
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: yes
Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: nope
Were you shy: no
Were you spoiled: yaaa
Were you in a car accident: not a bad one knock on wood
Did you build snowmen: yes
Did you cry when you scraped your knee?: which time

Were your older cousins mean to you: no
Did you think slinkies were cool: ya
Were you afraid of the dark: kinda
Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: ya aww

Do you believe in aliens: dno
Name three things that are next to your computer: cell water stuff

What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: i dono
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: THE VILLAGE!

Would you ever sky dive: yessss. whos comin with me man?!
How many rooms do you have in your house: dont wana count

Are you afraid of roller coasters: hah hell no
Do you own a pooltable: yes
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: ya my mom
Do you like chocolate: yeeees
Who/what is on your 2003 calendar: 2003? isnt it 2004?
How many U.S. states have you been to: fla, ma, ct, vt, nh, ri, maine, north carolina, pennslyvania, virginia, ah i dono .. been to more outside of the country

Best Halloween costume you ever wore: when i dressed up like a black person

Do you carry any weapons on you: no
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: no hah
Who is the last person to e-mail you: gay gay gay
Who is the last person to IM you: big dome. aka mark dothright
Do you hate chain e-mails: sht up
Do you like to burn candles or incense: hah sure
Do you have your own credit card: gettin one

Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: buy stuff for everyone
Do you have a check book: no
Do you like your drivers license: waat
Do you tan easily: yes
What color is your hair naturally: brown
How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit: none
Last thing you downloaded: a song

What are your grades like?: kinda shitty

Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: no hah im satisfied with being a slacker
Are you failing anything?: it like the first wek of school no
Do you take a language?: ya
If so which language?: italiano
Do you decorate your locker?: no,gay
Do you decorate your bookbag?: dont gots one

If so, with what?:
Do you draw on yourself in school?: no
Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: yes
Do you take art?: graphic arts. yes
Do you walk to school or are you driven?: driven

Do you like school?: i guess so but not the waking up part
How big is your school?: gay
Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: hah nooo

Your Room
What color is your room?: dono
Is it messy or clean?: messy
What are on your bedsheets?: shat up same ?s
A computer?: used to
A radio?: ya
A stereo?: ?samething?
What is under your bed?: a floor
Do you have a big closet?: no
Do you write on your walls?: no

Are your walls decorated?: umm this is a repeat

Who is your best friend?: erin & b

Do you have a lot of friends?: ya i guess
What friends do you hang out with the most?: britt, erin, conor, joe, eric, etc.
Craziest?: JOE
Prettiest: they are all pretty
Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: yes
Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: i am outgoing even when im not around my friends? uh

Are you comfortable around your friends?: yes
Do you have a lot of friends online?: yes i sopose
Where did you meet them?: every where
Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: not alot jsut enough

Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: not really

Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: not overly

Random Questions
Do you like frosted flakes?: kinda
Do you like nuns?: no hahha

Is this survey getting on your nerves?: yes

Do you use correct English?:no who dos

Are you a busy body?: umm no
Do you like to roller skate?: no
What do you think of Pres. Bush? : i think its all gay
Are you insecure?: kinda
Do you like to clean your room?: no
Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: yes but only cuz its gross
Do you think that clocks are dumb?: no hah
Who sings the song Clocks?: umm cold play?
Whats 2+9+9?: 20

How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: not much
Do you wear makeup regularly?: mostly
If so, what?: i dono the usual
Do you dye your hair?: ya
What is your eye color?: FUCKING BROWN for the 8th time

The Last Set of Random Questions
Have you ever been on TV?: no i havent, again
Have you ever been on the radio?: yes i have once, again.
In the newspaper?: no lol
Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: fuck yeah
How many legs does an octopus have?: 64
How many legs do you have?: 2

Are you ticklish?: yes very
Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: yes.. like this
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