Jan 28, 2007 11:37

YES Myobu will be on a hiatus from now until summer but PREASE don’t kick me out of your friends list!! I will be so sad if you do so~ DX

I know I should have made a better banner~ 8D;; I mean, I just stuck a random Shoon expression there XD

This is the last term of school so I have to do my best, study hard, and put more effort in my classes, I really don’t want to go on a hiatus but I have to~ D: I WILL MISS YOU ALL. I still fan girl, because it IS my life, but I won’t be able to write it in this journal for a long time, though I’ll pop out now and then to comment :D

Random thoughts about the Gomen nasai SC: WTH did Takki and Tsubasa Produce this SC or something?! The chibis hardly had any screen time TT^TT;;; I’m not against T and T, but their duo is kinda like one-sided fangirling like WaT, because I like Teppei more, and Tsubasa… I just like him better because Takki is too popular XD;;

But of course Ya-Ya-yah was just pure love in this SC~:heart:

When YABU and YUTO made that secret CHUU handshake or w/e you call that, I made the loudest “EEEEEEEEHH?!” I ever made my whole life~ XDDDDD srsly~


I will miss talking to you on msn~! *hug* I don’t catch you online anymore because of the time difference in our countries~ TToTT


I’ve received your Christmas card!! *hug* Thank you very much!! You’re so sweet~! I hope my card reached you already! X3 I’m also very sorry to you and




because the key chains have been delayed. Gomen nasai!! m(_ _)m Cerhiby nee-san I’m sorry I wasn’t able to reply to your emails!! TTwTT;;;

Myobu will be really busy in the upcoming months!! D:
stationery designs (to be submitted to a printing company by next month) + school work + up coming prom = busy, hectic, deprived from fan girling, life~ Dx

‘Till next time~ ToT)/
PS: watch Nodame Cantabile, it pwns :D
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