
Jan 28, 2007 09:54

you must all hate me~ (´;ω;`) I haven't been commenting at all so sorry~! DX One of the reasons is that my friend's page is nuts, it doesn't show any new entries of my friends unless it's a community, all along I thought everyone was busy and not posting~

Another reason is that I've been extremely busy with  school and work~ (´;ω;`) by next month I should have 10 stationery designs for my uncle's printing company, but I only have 1 (and a half) done.. ( ´Д`)

The pinkness is too simple so I'll have to edit it again...

This was also suppose to be a design, but I don't think it will even sell... (`ハ´)

I'm not done with it and I don't think I'll even finish it~ but I had a hard time drawing this on PS because my scanner died~ (#゚Д゚)

MY MSN DIED TOO. I'll miss chatting with
atashinohimitsu and 
yohaneko    !!!! ( ´Д`)

aikyuu    !!! I received your Christmas card already~! Thank you very much!!! (  ^ω^ ) *hugs* I hope my xmas card got to you~!

cerhiby     nee-san, so sorry I couldn't reply to your e-mails~! D: But I received your address and the keychains will be coming soon to your doorstep~ (*´ω`*)

That's all for now~ ja~ (´・ω・`)

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