About Life

May 14, 2014 02:34

It 2.21 am...still can't sleep...found something that very interesting..just to share here :P

What Have I Learned From Life

The question has been posed with the expectation of an answer - What have you learned from life? This question frequently has been asked by people and requires a thoughtful response. As I ponder the gravity of this question, I realize that a life is the summation of the people we encounter and our experiences involving those people.
I have learned that it is better to rejoice in someone else's happiness and accomplishments than to look for their shortcomings.
I have learned that love can be painful, physically and emotionally. I have learned that situations do not always make sense, neither in their midst nor in hindsight. I have learned that WHY does not always have an answer and that waiting for one can be a devastating merry-go-round, something like a CD player set on repeat. I have learned that abuse in its many forms reaches deep into your soul and shapes every decision you make for the rest of your life. I have learned that its effects are not fair.
I have learned that watching someone die is excruciatingly painful. The kind of pain that feels like your heart is being ripped from your chest without benefit of anesthesia. Even more painful is waking up each day without them. The missed birthdays fade into missed holidays, missed hugs magnify the missed I love you's.
I have learned that no one knows what to expect from grief but everyone just wants you to hurry up and get past it so they can be more comfortable. I have also learned that the passage of time helps me to heal.
I have learned that some people assume they know me but don't have a clue. I've learned that for those people, it's not worth the effort of correcting their misconceptions.
I have learned that society expects people to quickly and efficiently process information with the ability to then articulate their thoughts. I know not everyone can do that. I have learned that there is strength in honoring my grief. For it is only through the process of feeling the profound loss in every fiber of my being that I am able to heal and once again participate in life.
I have learned that good friends are hard to find but worth the search. I have learned that it matters to me that someone knows where I have been and how I got here. It matters that someone sincerely cares how I am doing. It matters that someone wants to share my memories and make new ones. I have learned that I am because someone remembers.
I have learned to be in awe of Allah is greatness.. can renew the earth from its barren winter hibernation into its spring magnificence. It is Creators who creates life and the miracle of birth. I have learned to pray and that it matters.
I have learned that I love being a woman and all it entails. To know that my body is capable of conceiving, sustaining, and birthing life and then transitioning into the ability to nourish that life is amazing to me.
I have learned that some people are just passing through my life and were never intended to stay for long... some are placed along my path for a particular purpose and must move on once that purpose has been fulfilled. I realize that their impact on my life has been great, although their time may have been short. I have learned that I have been profoundly and forever touched in a short time by some and by others who have endured through the years, sharing in my changes and growth. I have learned that some still have a purpose in my life.
I have learned that I want to grow old with my 'future' husband. I want to feel his love before he ever says the words. I want him to treasure my spirit and hold my heart with compassion. I want to trust him.
I have learned from my dear friend that life is about the journey rather than the destination. They has taught me the importance of healing myself. More importantly, I have learned that I can heal.
It's a funny thing about life though… just when you think you've got it all figured out…
Just move forward..everyday you will learn something new..just face it and SMILE  \(0_0)/

***credit to owner***meaningful :P
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