Jul 31, 2004 11:55
yesterday i finally went to go see fahrenheit 911. if you're one of the only people on the planet who hasn't seen it, go right now and bring plenty of tissues and don't go on a full stomach. i hadn't eaten all day and the movie still made me want to throw up and never eat anything ever again. i also cried from seriously start to finish. it was so upsetting but i'm so glad i finally saw it. i'm making my sister go see it asap. i went with my mom and dad and it affected mom but dad was being a bit of an ass. which means it bothered him, he's just not willing to admit it. he's convinced that bush is still going to win. he's not going to vote for him, but he still thinks it won't matter. you see, this is what happens when you let white trash run the country. and who votes for him, yeah you guessed it, more white trash. now no one start any argument with me because i'll tell you right now i have no idea what the hell i'm talking about or have any facts to back any of this up. i only have my opinion that i have gathered from reading a lot and watching a lot of different things, but i can't really hold my own in any sort of political debate, so save it. but a good point for my side: greg's family supports bush. as does my mother's side of the family. enough said. still voting for him?
in other news, my dad was very crazy this morning. he picks the most assbackwards times to decide to talk to me. i was just sitting there trying to watch best week ever when he starts talking to me about jason kidd and kerry kittles and how jason kidd wants to either be a laker, a maverick, or a spur. alrighty. then he goes on about how kerry isn't going to win because he has voters swayed but not swooning. and how i should get out there and spread the word to vote for kerry. so this is me getting out the vote. then he starts telling me to hurry up and plan new york if i still want to go. um what? since when do i plan family vacations? whatever. i told him i'd get on it later. he bought himself a sub woofer for his car and he had me sit in his car and listen and see how much it needed to go up or down. he misses kevin so much. and i finally finsihed the da vinci code and it was really good. like really good. ok, i'm done now. i need to take a shower so i can go to work. ick.