
May 24, 2006 21:51

Why is everything so cheerful today?

Must be the looovely weather - so beautifully cloudy in the middle of summer!

Ooh today all morning at lab I managed to rub G on the wrong side - like I said, today we'd progressed from ground-breaking research to breaking the glass ceilingto reach for the stars -- when G hit the roof, that is ;)

But oh, things FINALLY went right in the afternoon after lunch, all because of a tiny little 3 minute reaction that we spent 1 hour 45 minutes over just getting things set up....

Came home at 7:30 after helping bala and Supriya (who is among the most funnest, best-natured school-juniors I know!) finish up their work after mine was done - since B said he'd drop me home. And oh we had grrrreat fun throwing pretend-spitballs (cotton and tissue paper soaked in water - not too many though - recycled/ reused the same one several times ;) )
We found it sticks to any surface presented by the lab, except for people.

Aand came home to cold-cold water, mango and chocolate :D best things in life.

Went to library with mom and bro, and picked up some interesting books. Bro also picked up some interesting books. And mom went to somebody's office and came back after aaaages (for which time bro and I were sitting on the steps of another shop nearby which had a nice ac..) and borrowed some more nice books. So as far as fiction goes, I've got about 9 interesting looking books to read, yayyers!

Dinner - chappati from Mandir and heat-and-eat vegetable.. peas and mushroom, said mom and I went yaaaay again :D why is life so happy :D me likes lots.

Aanyway, seem to be having some laptop problems. Catchya later!

college, books, fun, lab!

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