Friday baby!

May 27, 2005 07:24

This week has FLOWN by! The store has been super busy- even had people in yesterday when i was supposed to be closed-I opened for them of course! wed. a friend of mine came over and we marbled paper with stained glass spray paint- totally awesome! I am $96 away from my sales goal for the month with three days left to get there! i set the goal $500 above last months sales.
We went to another bank yesterday and they can refinance our mortgage,make it 15 yrs for the same payment we are making on a 30 yr! Plus give us a line of credit on 80% of our equity!! I'm so psyched!!
jillian has friends coming over tonight-including the boy who makes her laugh hysterically when the IM for hours-I haven't met him yet but from what i have read and what she has told me he has the same weird sense of humor i do AND he saw me come to pick jill up at school one day and he says I'm damn good looking!! hahahahah..I love him already! I just adore jill's friends-they are all so quirky and weird and unconcerned with the crap that alot of teens are eaten up by.So it will be pizza for dinner-yum!
Ok gotta go-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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