Apr 09, 2005 14:00
whats wrong witht the picture
when you know more about the people around you
then who you are and what you want
this disulusion that plauges this world
full of tv lies and things they tell us
and radio voices that say we have to fallow
certain rules and obey what they feed us
we are what we grow and we will grow to hate you
we are force fed these lies in the radio and tv
they rape and feed off the insucure minds of youth
they waste and destroy what once was a freedom
they change it to make a profit
and leave us without originality
leave us bare and vulnerable to the next
big thing or the next thing they try to sell us
we are fake and we cannot be what once was there
the labels that mark us now will live till its gone
to make money off people like they are sheep
we are only sheep in this town of fralse hood
they illeagalize the drugs that make us realize
that the government is fucking us in the ass everyday
we are sheep that they feed off of
to make money and brainwash us to alienate us