Watching movies with the family SOMETIMES is nice. Were all in same room at least and for 2hrs there are little to no fights with the boys. I still have trouble with the boys will be boys. I teach my kids to not knock each other senseless but sometimes it all boils over and one steals the others dessert one too many times and Joe and I end up staring at one another and then pulling said boys apart. Tis life in having the brood we do.
Tonight we watched , "I, Frankenstein," something about B and C movies tickles my inner child. Just enough action to keep the kids interested and just enough truth in any teachings of the good vs evil to have it stay interesting for adults. Still a B-movie with some very cheesy parts but you KNEW that going in.
Before this it was, "Gravity," which I thought might be boring and her in space literally floating around the whole time. I won't spoil it but overall it was OK. There was not enough backstory to have me latch on and feel too much empathy for the child in the story. I think it had plot-holes galore, a very sparse crew, an under dramatic ending. Positive I love Clooney and Mrs.Bullock is always a powerful actress. Still so many awards and nominations for one of her IMO worst movies. Just no thanks. This is why I never go by The Oscars.
Point in key The Wolf on Wallstreet was one of the longest most boring "want to be goodfellas" pile of crap ever. Should have one for. best lack of editing in history. The movie was at least 45 minutes longer than it should have been. Crazy such powerful actors with such lackluster films giving amazing performance.
Sometimes love just isn't enough.
Sometimes powerful actors can't save a film.
Tomorrow it's children's birthday parties , photo post, and friends in from out of town. And I'm here at 2am unable to sleep. The house is a mess (to my standards...) I most definitely have a slight form of OCD I mean 7 of us live in this house and I expect it to be clean. Hard to have happen 100% of the time but I settle wit 90%. But like now I don't sleep until it's done.
Today I treated myself to a manicure and I love my new color. It's the little things right?
Off to clean then sleep. All caught up in journals. Guess I need more friends. Know any active users I should read??!!