Oh my god, sex stuff was so good last night. Andrew and I talked the other night, and then last night we had some of, like, the best sex we've ever had. It was fantastic and actually had some SM and bondage in it! And I'm actually still quite sore from it, it's fantastic. Though I think I might have pulled something in my abs.
I'm pretty bummed out about the Conservative win here in Canada. Oh well, here's to the inevitable 2010 Federal Election!
I saw Margaret Cho last night here in Ottawa, with special guest Liam Sullivan (a.k.a. KELLY!!!) and it was better than I ever even thought possible. Cho had already been cemented as my favourite comedian, and when the ad for her Beautiful tour listed an Ottawa date, I completely flipped out and spent money I didn't have on tickets. It was so great. She's seriously, like, one of the funniest people on the planet. Interview with her:
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