(no subject)

May 08, 2006 12:07

So yesterday was the craziest day at work. I get there at 10 to find everyone standing outside. Apparently, my manager hasn't come yet. The kitchen staff needs to be there by 8 so they've already been standing around for 2 hours. They leave at about 1015 and the rest of the servers are like "Man, Joe's is fucked." There's no way it'd be ready to open by 11 especially now that we don't have a kitchen staff. We wait around til about 11, two people leave, and four of us stay. We go to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and get a call from the Hostess saying she just passed Alan, the manager, flying down the road. SO we get our food and go back. By this time, I've clocked in at 11 41, we put a sign up on the door saying closed for renovations and would be open mid afternoon. So everyone gets to work, two people set up the bar, myself and another server stes up the front, then I go back to help set up the kitchen. By the time 2 rolls around, we're finally able to open. I didn't get my first table til 2 30, and I was a double, so I'd usually take my break around 3 or 4 and come back around 5. Since I didn't have any tables this morning, I worked from 2 30 til about 10. So it was just a long ass day. I made $110 though so that was pretty cool. Considering the rest of the weekend sucked and I bought plane tickets which I'm now realizing I can't afford. I'm going to just scrape by this month. Oh well.

Midterms start today. I have 4 today, 1 tomorrow, and 1 Wednesday, then next week I'll have one in Harmony cause he likes to wait and not hear people whine. So this means there's only 6 more weeks til I come home. June 13-27th. Last time was great so I better have another good time.
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