Aug 07, 2010 19:20
My manager from Express yelled for me on my lunch break today, I went in and talked to her for awhile. She said she is so happy that I'm moving out of Rome, and that she remembers that day she interviewed me she knew I was a special person and was different from 'Rome'. She told me to give Express Atlantic Station her personal phone number as a reference to call, and that she will transfer all my information to their store next week.
This is good news.
Also good news: I talked to my probation officer about my fucking OUTRAGEOUS fines :$4600 for driving on a suspended license??! fuck you rome GA!! She said if I paid $400 + did 200 hours of community service, I could get off probation. That's awesome, except... I am not fucking getting in a light-reflected vest and picking up trash on the side of the road. That's fucked up and humiliating, but would save me a good..ehhh..$4200. Maybe I could shelve books at the library or some bullshit. Either way, I'm getting off probation w00t!!
Today at work, one of our beloved customers took a SHIT in a shirt and balled it up and threw it in our dressing room.