(no subject)

Nov 21, 2006 21:23

shitty weekend. friday drove my car cause my dad took the keys to the other one. got a for sale sign and washed it. ended up going to habitat for humanity to get tiles but they closed 2 mins before we got there even tho it was 5:57. went and watched butterfly effect 2 with travis, not as good as the first one at all, the main character was like robbie and pissed me off for being a cocky jackass that got himself in trouble and from running his lip and then tried to dig himself out with the same stratagy. went to galinas and there was a another douchbag who thought he was better than everyone else but he had video games lol so i had fun. went home and actually slept fairly well considering ive averaged 4 hours of sleep a day for the past week. saturday everyone was off doing their own thing and my dad went off somewhere i dont kno where, so i sat at home and didnt see or talk to a soul the entire day, and it was kinda nice in ways. sunday roughly the same thing for most of it, i talked to sarah and she said it wouldnt work out, and had this big long talk and i think shes not telling me stuff, or shes not useing good logic cause i feel like im constantly pointing out different problems in the same part of her arguements, which she doesnt have many of in my opinion. ended up going on a walk on the greenbelt down to frys and ended up depositing my check in the atm. that was like a 2 hour walk so maby like 8 miles in flip flops. came back and talked to sarah more and blah, pissed off. monday i started reading her scientific american mind so i could give them back to her when she got home. travis came over and said we should do stuff, went to jacklyns for an hour, bored out of my mind. didnt really do anything except stand and talk. went to traviss and sat around for hours. watched the second half of the southpark i saw finally lol, the ppl in the future were all athiests but they were haveing wars over what their name should be lol, just like human nature. nade a whole bunch of quick decisions, like i called adam to see if he could get acid for everyone when we go camping on the 2nd, decided id do the cactus, started planning out when i might want to do this and that, told travis id go to new zealand with him in january for 2 weeks, that kind of thing. went to my moms house wtih travis and we saw the new 12 week old kitty my mom got on friday, plus we got pizza and i set up the internet so now her house can use it lol. didnt really want to be there, i dont kno where i want to be really. ended up talking to anja cause i didnt kno who to talk to, actually cheered me up quite a bit. school today was a bitch im not sure i learned anything. came home and talked to sarah, i felt i was halfway to yelling at her, but i kept disecting her arguement and i think i might not actually be as screwed as i thought, im not actually sure what will happen. but if she does come back that means i told adam i wanted 20 hits which i have to get rid of without doing (which im sure wont be that hard) and i didnt really make any sure plans with the cactus but that would change and i probably wouldnt go to new zealand but that would make me feel like an asshole so shed need to decide soon, and i keep getting pissed off at her for leading me around by a string, but gah! idk i really hate when i make fairly detailed plans based on information i think is good and then a lone person comes up and says fuck ur plans were doing shit my way. ahh fuck. im tired of this, i want to be able to sleep again
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