A Couple of Notes

Jun 01, 2010 22:08

1) The uber party post we have planned, which has been dubbed Mylar Fest, will be held this Friday, June 4th. I'll be making the post in the late afternoon (in North America), probably. Sorry it's taken so long, but ladywilde80 and I have been playing message tag amidst our individual crazy schedules, trying to find a time that works for both of us, and... we've finally given up and decided to just have the fest anyway. =) The theme will anything and everything that epitomizes mylar, whichever flavour(s) of mylar awesome you love. So get ready with your recs, art, vids, prompts for the perfect mylar fic you wish somebody would write, whatever tickles your fancy, and then we shall bask in the wonderfulness of this ship.*

2) The header/layout contest is officially closed for submissions (unless you ask super nicely before I put the poll up), but it'll be a while before I put the entries up for voting, possibly as late as next week. Sorry again. I promise I won't always be this busy. Try talking to me in late August and I might have more time. =)

*I'm disabling comments on this post just in case people get overeager and want to start now--I can't be around tonight, guys. =(

comm event: header/layout contest, !mod post

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