I think this comm needs a new look, don't you? Awesome. I therefore present The Mylar_Fic Header/Layout Contest! Woo-hoo!
What it is:
All you graphically-inclined Mylarites out there can make a new header for the comm OR you can make an entire layout, including a header. Whichever you choose, you have until May 31st to complete it. The members of this community will then vote on which header/layout they like best, and that will be what we use. If a new header is elected, rather than an entire layout, a new layout will be selected by the mods to go with the header--no matter what winds up winning, the current layout and header will no longer be used. If anybody is really sad about this, I can give you the CSS. =p
You can submit as many headers/layouts as you want, so go on and boot up your image editing software of choice!
How to submit your header/layout: Upload it somewhere (LJ Scrapbook, Photobucket, as an entry, to an online storage service, whatever), and send me (
etoile_dunord) a PM with a link to it. Just make sure I can read the code for layouts, rather than giving me a link to a preview. Also, please specify which theme family the layout works with (Flexible Squares, Mixit, etc.).
THE BIG RULE: All submissions must be the original work of the person(s) submitting them. If you make a layout by altering someone else's CSS, you must have express permission from that person to do so, and you must present that permission with your submission. You may not recommend someone else's work as a submission. If you think there's something that's already out there that would be perfect, contact whoever made it and suggest they submit it. Submissions do not have to be new material (though that would be nice), but they do have to be submitted by their creator(s).
More rules under the cut!
Header Rules:
1) All headers must be between 600 pixels wide by 200 pixels high and 800 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. (The winning header will not have to be hosted by the designer.)
2) Both Mohinder and Sylar must be pictured in the header. By this, I mean the images used must be from the show, and not pictures of Zachary Quinto and Sendhil Ramamurthy out of character. Yes, RPS is allowed on the comm, but the header must be Mylar.
3) The header must be "SFW," i.e., it must not contain anything potentially offensive/illegal.
4) The header must not contain the name of the artist who designed it. Credit will be given for the header elsewhere. (The name of the comm, however, is optional, as a new layout may include the comm name elsewhere.)
Layout Rules:
(Please note, all header rules apply here as well.)
1) Layout widths may be determined by pixels or by a percentage of window/monitor size. If using pixels, layouts must be between 600 and 800 pixels wide, including the sidebar(s). If using a percentage-based width, it must be between 80% and 95%, including the sidebar(s). Percentage-based layouts must have the header float centre.
2) Layouts must have at least one sidebar that includes a blurb/free text box and a complete tags list. Other standard LJ widgets are allowed but not mandatory. Layouts must have no more than two sidebars.
3) The comm name (mylar_fic) must appear somewhere in the layouts, either in the header or elsewhere.
4) All layouts must work for unpaid LJ accounts. That means CSS only, no Style Sheets.
5) Graphics are allowed anywhere they can go in a layout (background, block quote boxes, etc.), but please be mindful of how image-heavy layouts are. Designers will not be required to host layout images themselves if their layout is chosen, but users will have to load them to view the comm.
6) Additional touches may be included as part of layout submissions, but they may not be submitted on their own. Such things include custom mood themes, custom mini icons, and icons that match the header/layout.
7) Layout designers may include their names in a widget at the bottom of a sidebar, if they wish, though credit will also be given elsewhere.