weirdness and smiley faces

May 14, 2007 19:48

When I cycled home from the uni this morning (it was 10:30, getting up at 4:30 am is so not cool) the streets were nearly empty. I had to wait for a traffic light at a usually very busy intersection so that no more than one lonely man could pass. It was so strange: me on my bike waiting and him walking to the other side. We exchanged glances and then as the traffic light jumped to green (I was able to pass a dozen times already) I continued on my way and marvelled on the subject of smiling.

You see, I do like to believe that I can make people's days just a tiny bit better by smiling at them instead of ignoring them or looking at them with a bored expression on my face. I often feel as if people, strangers on the street, look at me so angrily. It intimidates me, even though I realize that they're probably not angry at me, but that it's just the way their face looks or because they're tired or whatever. And I understand that, because I often get told I look pissed off, even though I'm not, lol. So lately I've just been trying to smile more often and it's fun. But, you know, I'm not the most extrovert person and so there's a certain category of men which I still ignore, because I'm afraid they'll abuse my attention and shout weird things or throw their shoes at me or something.

But then I felt bad for not smiling at the man at the intersection and I resolved that I was going to smile at the next person I passed, no matter how creepy he/she was. Soon I saw a man coming down my way and as I crossed him I looked up, ready to smile... when I recognised him as the man from my weird croissants@the-busstop story. Haha. I was so amused.


Oh, and Ami and I caught up with Grey's Anatomy of the past few weeks, namely episode 3x15 to 3x17. Oh. My. God. In my entire history of television shows and other types of simple excitement, I have never before been so captivated, so impressed, so TORN by any episode as by those three. I've always enjoyed watching the show, but these episodes were the best. Ever. Seriously. I was so in awe. I would have watched the entire series for these 3 episodes alone.

moments, day by day, grey's anatomy

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