changes are like cookies: really really awesome and best with chocolate bits

May 13, 2007 16:56

I have purple weird-ass-colour hair. It scared the shit out of Marilyn. It is still smelly. There's no reason other than that Ami and I were in a shop and they had cheap paint.

Taking pictures of myself always makes me feel like such a loser.

one eye. I was practicing to be a pirate for next week. arggg!!

pensive. (i wrote pensieve first, then realized that i was wrong) i have a dirty finger nail corner.

squee! this is the way I look when I see cookies. or chocolate. or eddie. oh and rufus has his new cd out tomorrow, so excited! <3333 rufus.

grrrrrr. grrrr. i look emo with this hair. i must remember to smile enough or people will kill me with sticks.

I can almost make my personal mood theme. The colour is kind of hard to see because of the light which I lacked, which makes this post kind of useless except for the fact that strange faces are fun. Everyone should post funny faces every once in a while. Yes, you too. Shoo now.


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