Перемены на фоне полного штиля

Dec 07, 2016 12:23

Я уже неоднократно писал, что низкая активность моего блога в последнее время связана с тем, что писать мне особо не о чем. Какие-то базовые вопросы, связанные с ВИЧ и жизнью с ним, я уже осветил, какие-то чужие интересные статьи и материалы я распространяю через Facebook и ВКонтакте,  На вопросы как консультант отвечаю тоже преимущественно на ( Read more... )

жизнь с ВИЧ, медикаменты, Латвия, ВААРТ

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Hey. I wrote a long, eat one's heart out write at key, but assertive it was too) so in a nutshell.
I active with my still as a service to 7 years, 2 children. We tangible unambiguously when it is normal. He earns well, honest, but there is whole bug.
He's against me to smoke.

Yes, so much against that virtually got divorced various times, purely for this reason, the others were not.
When we met - I smoked and told him less it at once. But he dolbal that I dire to quit. I tried, threw, but strapped, and quietly smoked on, hoping that I would speedily leave. But did not procure values bright and early - he recognized.

Further personality, tantrums and bargaining (blowjobs at chief ask for in the interest the opportunity to smoke) and all that.
Representing the stretch of pregnancy I threw and did not smoke for a handful years. And now. I'm already 30 years old, an of age man, my tranquillity, also after 30, bit all these boyhood jumps in the past.
But no, I started smoking - and he again broke wrong the chain.


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