snippets and endnotes

Nov 21, 2008 13:14

i really intended to post everything i wrote while i was on the train quickly and serially. i didn't want to just throw it all up in one go. i thought a day or two between each episode would be ideal.
now i am faced with my own inability to accurately assess what i think would be awesome, what i think i can actually accomplish and what ends up happening.
i sort of fizzled out on my train diaries.
i have one more. if i remember how to make a cut, i'll post it under a cut. i think the end one is one of my better written episodes.

as for what has been going on currently: life with daniel is pretty fantastic.
i have a pet hedgehog. he is named spiny the elder, after that famous old roman historian, author, and natural philosopher pliny the elder. pliny wrote on the importance of hedgehogs in his encyclopedia. spiny is white and pink because he is an albino hedgehog. spiny is grumpy, irritable, fat, and completely adorable. he hisses at me when he sees me. he shuffles into his cardboard house and hides when i look at him adoringly or open the cage to feed and water him. he seldom leaves his house without hiding under his towel or the old shirt i gave him. he travels well-concealed. he hasn't eaten any of the delicious grubs i have offered. he has progressed to hissing somewhat less than all the time, and not tapping out a warning on his box house whenever we are around. spiny at his best is shuffling around his cage and overturning his dishes and rubbing his back on the underside of his ramp. he doesn't climb up to his second level yet, and so far he isn't nibbling, digging, or interacting with the nice saucer of wheatgrass i gave him. but i have high hopes he will warm up to me someday. then i can let him out for exercise and to receive visitors. i got him from a woman in scarborough who bought him to breed with her female. the female hedgie would have none of it, and beat up spiny, wouldn't let him use the exercise wheel, (hence his weight gain) and wouldn't let him venture out of one corner of the cage. he was in such a state he began loosing his quills. after a trip to the vet, (clean bill of health, other than stress) his owner decided that she would have to re-home him. daniel and i have been rapidly reading up on hedgehog lore and care. his quills are growing in thick and sharp and glossy. he will become friendly again. (i hope!)

i need a job now.
this means, i have to send out resumes, and look for work. write confident, assertive, but not too pushy or odd-sounding letters and try and catch enough of a lucky break that a job will interview me. i will probably settle for a slightly imperfect job for now. it is winter, and though i can send brilliant resumes unsolicited to all the wonderful interesting organic gardening and urban agriculture projects in the city, it's not likely they will have a job for me at this season, even if they really like me. wish me luck!

i intended to take up yoga again in my spare time, but i am not in the most motivated mind space right now. hopefully i will get back to it this weekend. must go out and exercise!

the apartment is nice. slighty further north than is ideal, at st. clair and christie.
we are playing at preparing for the coming financial/zombie/biblical/revolutionary apocalypse. becoming self-sufficient, making our own wine out of cheap local fruit, and using my laura ingals-wilder pioneer skills and daniel's awesome pressure cooker skills to preserve fruit, veggies, soup and sauces. hopefully we will start some mushroom cultivation soon too! i need some land come spring so we can grow our own produce, too! much of what we put away is either urban foraging or on sale at the fruit stands.

and now i think i should post this before it gets too long.
hmmm... forgot the last train piece. i'll put it up backdated in yesterday.
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