Moving out!!

Jul 19, 2010 19:55

I found an awesome roommate, cheap rent, and it's right down the street!!

The bad news? I have to come up with the $900 move in fees by the end of the month. I only have 500. Eeeep!!

Family reunion was awesome. My cousins Amanda and Nathan and I got drunk, walked to the lake (long ass walk), came back (another long ass walk), tried to find a party around 1:30am and Yogi Beared a bottle of rum in the process (Never leave alcohol out for the bears). Then we walked allllllllll the way over to a completely different loop on the other end of the campground (probably a good half a mile) and wandered into a campsite of people who at first thought we were their kids coming back. They were older folks (old enough to be our parents). Then some other random drunk strangers wanders in and starts babbling about being lost and needing to find J-loop (we were in N-loop) and he needed to get back to his dog. Then some rangers drove up and was like "has anyone seen someone walking around with a blue light?" and the guy immediately goes "Yeah that's me!" So the rangers took him away. We hung out with the people for a while and then walked back around 3:30 and went to sleep. Good times, as always!

OMG and my friend Sean sent me a friend request on facebook yesterday and we are going to hang out on Wednesday. Sean and I used to be really close, hung out all the time, and then all of the sudden I couldn't get a hold of him I've thought about him throughout the years and figured I'd never talk to him again, but here he is, back in my life! And I hold no grudge, I don't know what happened, all I know is that I missed his friendship and I'm glad he's back!

It inspired me to write this letter to Chase... I doubt I will send it, but I posted it on dear_you to make me feel better.

Dear Chase,

I don't know why you suddenly stopped responding to my attempts to keep in touch with you. If I did anything to upset you, I am sorry. We went through something pretty intense together, something that may not have been exactly real (maybe just intensified), but it was something that definitely left an impression in my life, and no matter how hard I try to forget about you, your memory will always be there. I was really hoping we could continue talking, keeping in touch, and being friends even from a distance. I thought that's what you wanted. I was really excited to have you back in my life when we started talking again. No, I wasn't looking for anything beyond your friendship, but I think you underestimated how much your friendship meant to me. At first I had no regrets about deleting you from facebook and my phonebook because I felt like you were ignoring me and I didn't need people like that in my life. Lately I've been missing you tho. I don't know if this is just a personal weakness or if I really am starting to second guess my decision to push you out of my life for legitimate reasons.

Last week I had a dream that I saw you again. I was so excited to see you, I got up and threw my arms around you and told you I missed you and you just stood there and said, "you missed me?" like I didn't have a reason to, and it was a silly thing for me to say. It made me so sad, but at the same time I almost felt like that dream was my final goodbye to you. I don't know why I feel so torn about this. Part of me feels like you let me down, the other part of me feels like I gave up too easily, and going back would be the ultimate sign of weakness. After all, the ball is in your court. I have called you, texted you, and tried chatting with you on facebook and got no response. Like I said, I don't know what I did, but I am sorry for whatever it was, because losing you again made me really sad, and I didn't want it to happen.

A friend of mine that I used to be very close with kind of did the same thing to me a few years ago. One day we had plans to hang out and the next thing I knew I couldn't get any kind of response out of him. I have dreamt about him over the years and come upon sudden instances of missing him, but figured I would never talk to him again. I got a message from him yesterday and we're hanging out on Wednesday. That's pretty much what inspired me to write this letter that you will most likely never see. I believe people come into your life for a reason. Remember what I said: If it's meant to be, it will be. Maybe someday, somehow, some way, fate will lead us back into each other's lives. Until then I wish you the best. You have an incredibly sharp mind and a huge heart. You will go far and I believe you will succeed in whatever you do. Follow your dreams, never give up, and never lose faith. Thank you for the great times. I will never forget you.

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