Oh, Vince of
Slap Chop, you've made my day! According to Vince, I will both stop having boring tuna, AND stop having a boring life! WHAT? That's not enough? Fugeddaboudit, as Vince says, because apparently I will ALSO love his nuts! Life IS hard enough as it is, Vince, and you're right, I don't want to cry anymore. Although, Vince, I am skeptical of your cheesy martini suggestion. But I'll forgive you.
Anyway, I'm currently taking a class called Writing Narratives, which will require me to write...some narratives...so for once wasting time on lj could be considered valuable 'research.' My first assignment is to write a piece of literary journalism (isn't all journalism literary? except for USA Today...), in which I research and observe someone and write about them with a journalistic approach, and applications are presently being taken. YOU could be the person. But you'll have to make a case for yourself.
I'm sort of scared to write creatively for a grade. I know I am a good writer, I guess it's just that my work will be considered by a jury of my peers and you are WRONG if you think people gave up on the popularity contest that was high school, because they did not. According to me. So there's that. And also we've been reading serious writers' works to get us into the writing mood, and I have a little problem called I will compare my efforts in ANYTHING to an expert in that field and judge myself by that measure to be not good enough, without even practicing, so thanks a lot Joan Didion, how will I live up to your standards?
I guess I do have a number of serious subjects to write about, at present, but they are inappropriate for livejournal. Well, maybe nothing is inappropriate for livejournal, but I'd like to think them through a little more before I go blabbing to the internet.
Please do not forget to nominate yourself, or someone you know, to be the subject of my literary journalism piece.